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How to do your Double 11 campaign right | 如何能做出精良的双十一广告


京东 双“11”销售额


180 Digital Inc., a digital agency, has been working on marketing campaigns for JD since 2013.  The agency’s team let the creative juices flow again for China’s mega shopping holiday, Double 11, which passed last week.  The team produced multiple engaging TVC’s, print ads, and an H5 campaigns.  Simply by the sales numbers the campaign was a huge success, which according to MediaCom shoppers spent over 19 billion on JD’s site.

自2013年以来,180 Digital Inc. 数字营销就已经开始为京东打造营销活动了。上周刚刚过去的双十一是中国的购物狂欢节,180 Digital Inc. 团队再次创意文思泉涌,为京东打造了多部引人入胜的电视广告、平面广告和H5活动。单单从销售额上来看,这些广告活动就已经取得了巨大成功,据MediaCom显示,京东总共的销售额超过了190亿。


Agency 广告公司:180 Digital Inc.; Production 制片:Stink (Beijing);
Director 导演:Alex and Liane;Post 后期:Locus; Music 音作:Big Knows


Planning for the campaign started right after JD’s own shopping festival on June 18th.  The lead up spot to get shoppers in the mood was a heart pounding 60 second TVC that celebrates the color red.  This “red mission” Chief Creative Officer Kenneth Kuan explained is representative of the company’s logo and conveniently a symbolic color for China itself.  Leading up to the shopping holiday, 180 Digital Inc. also whipped up an H5 campaign asking consumers to vote for their favorite brands.

京东618购物狂欢节刚过,双十一活动策划就已经启动了。激发购物者购买欲的京东预热广告以红色为主旋律,共有60秒。《红动11·11》首席创意官Kenneth Kuan解释说,红色代表的是京东的logo,同时恰好也是中国的象征色。为了给双十一做好铺垫,180 Digital Inc.  还投放了互动H5,让消费者为自己最喜爱的品牌投票。


Agency 广告公司:180 Digital Inc.; Prouction 制片:Gwantsi 观池
Director 导演:Julien Ayrault;Post 后期:DW; Music 音作:Christopher Irfane Khan-Acito


JD has always strived to be known for its quality and selectivity, hence the opening line “我很挑” (I’m very picky).  The spot not only highlights China’s more educated consumer but also a developing advertising market that is capable of producing this sort of trendy, slightly provocative spot.



 I’m very picky | “我很挑” 


180 Digital Inc. is a Beijing based agency that started over fifteen years ago and now has over 200 hundred staff on its team.  CCO Kenneth Kuan, who came on earlier this year after almost a decade at Ogilvy, shared via a phone interview how much he enjoyed 180 Digital Inc.’s  partnership with JD.  Kenneth complimented JD’s forward thinking mindset and fast-paced work environment, “this can’t be matched outside of China”.  “In terms of digital and mobile technology used in our daily lives,” Kenneth continued “the future has already arrived in China”.  Kenneth and his team at 180 Digital Inc. China couldn’t be happier to be smack in the middle of the digital and mobile innovation developing in China right now.  Expect more from this growing digital agency in the future.

180 Digital Inc.来自北京,15年前成立,现在已经有200多名员工。首席创意官Kenneth Kuan今年刚刚加入,他此前在奥美工作近十年,电话采访中,他表示,180 Digital Inc.跟京东的合作,让他乐在其中。他赞赏了京东的前瞻思维和快节奏的工作环境,“这是国外比不了的”。“就我们日常生活中所使用的数字科技和移动科技而言,中国的未来已经到来”。Kenneth Kuan和180 Digital Inc. 团队非常欣喜,能够处在当下中国的数字创新和移动创新浪潮之中。180 Digital Inc.数字营销将继续发展壮大,我们拭目以待吧。


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