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GUM Shanghai Celebrates Five Years In Style | GUM上海办公室庆祝成立五周年



Audio production company Green United Music (GUM) celebrated five years in Shanghai at the Plump Oyster last week.  GUM co-founder Frederic Monvoisin flew in from Paris to attend the event, and was joined for champagne, oysters and Thursday night merriment by a throng of Shanghai’s creative community.

音频制作公司GUM上周在Plump Oyster(普朗姆生蚝吧)庆祝成立五周年。GUM的联合创始人弗雷德里克•蒙沃辛(Frederic Monvoisin)从巴黎飞抵上海参加了此次盛典,与上海创意社区的人们共享香槟、生蚝和周四晚上的狂欢。

Thomas Faucheur (Gum Shanghai)_Fred Monvoisin(CEO GUM)

Sharing a few comments with SHP+, Monvoisin was humble and measured in his assessment of the company’s China journey so far.  “Reaching 5 years is an achievement, but we still have some way to go”,e explained. “We’ve achieved maybe one-third of the potential we want to reach in the coming years.”


Fin Design Team_Maria Laletina ( and

Monvoisin continued, “We understood from the beginning that we’d need to be patient.  It was not easy to start with, it grew slowly, but now we are solid. We have built trust with our clients.”


Over the years, foreign production houses have enjoyed mixed fortunes in China’s notoriously challenging market.  Thomas Faucheur Shanghai’s manager explained that GUM needed to adapt. “Being seen as a foreign company was not so easy,” he says, “We realised we needed to be seen like any local Chinese music company, so that the perception is that we are a Chinese company.”


To help foster that localisation, GUM Shanghai hired former SYN producer Kurt CHENG 6 months ago, the latest addition to the company’s 6-person team in Shanghai.  The full-time staff is bolstered by a business representative and studio in Beijing and a roster of more than 20 freelance composers from China and around the world.  GUM Shanghai has its own distinct set of clients but works closely with the Paris headquarters, sharing resources when needed.

为了有利于本土化,上海GUM六个月前聘请了SYN的前任制作人Kurt CHENG,成为该公司的六人团队中最新的成员。全职员工包括北京的一个业务代表及工作室,以及来自中国和世界各地的20多名自由作曲人。上海GUM拥有自己独特的客户群,但必要时会与巴黎总部密切合作,共享资源。

Havas Team

Shanghai’s general manager Thomas Faucheur was the affable host, moving between a cosmopolitan crowd of producers, directors, musicians and assorted creatives.  Agencies represented included TBWA, Publicis Lux, FCB, Saatchi, Havas, Zorba, McCann and Fred & Farid, along with key figures from production companies like Red Horse, Start Films, Gwantsi, idcreations, 37 Film, Papergame, Radical Media, Goodstein, Fin Design’s new interactive unit, Imperfect Circle, and animation specialists Final Frontier.

上海公司的总经理托马斯•福舍尔是一位极具亲和力的主事人,与一群来自世界各地的制作人、导演、音乐家和各类创意人士之间打交道。需要交涉的机构包括TBWA、Publicis Lux、FCB、Saatchi、Havas、Zorba、McCann和Fred & Farid,以及Red Horse、Start Films、Gwantsi、idcreations、37 Film、Papergame、Radical Media、Goodstein、Fin Design的交互部门、Imperfect Circle和动画专家Final Frontier等制作公司的主要人物。

Maggie Zhang (Red Horse) – Chris Colman (Final Frontier)

Bertil (Universal) – Dennis Potgraven (Havas)

Emma Daines (Fin Design) – Tyrone Curtis (Imperfect Circle)

Julien Ayrault (Director) – Yu Kung (Creative Director)

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