《奔驰C级 : 俄罗斯方块》是晶橙广告的两位首脑——张校硕和侯宇与奔驰再次联手的新作。虽然奔驰的广告战役主题意味深远:“汽车发明者,再次发明汽车”,但是向来不喜欢按常理出牌的创意和导演组合并没有作出高大上的回应,例如靓车驰骋在美景险途中、或者是一家子乐融融地挤在车厢里等的场面。这哥俩好好地琢磨了奔驰的口号——“改变游戏者”(Game Changer),最后居然“老老实实”地把广告做成了俄罗斯方块的游戏,把奔驰C级的各个功能解构成方块,用来打怪兽。
“我们想做个好玩的广告,我俩都有很浓的动漫情结,在经过一个月的头脑风暴后,我们决定复制经典的俄罗斯方块。不过如果在30秒的广告里只有‘哗哗’落下的方块是很沉闷的,我们需要设置一些好玩的障碍物,例如蝙蝠兽和恶龙(哥斯拉)。”作为 《黑暗武士》和《哥斯拉》迷,电影成了他们最大的灵感:“为了突出LED的大灯,我们设计了蝙蝠兽这个角色,他是‘黑暗使者’,覆盖了光源,LED大灯一亮,它就被驱散了;恶龙则代表了PM2.5的污染源,他喷出的黑烟是雾霾,C级‘强大’的过滤器最后将恶龙驱逐了,戴着头盔的驾驶员压轴登场,填补了最后的空隙,方块跟着在浓烟中解体,并随着浓烟的消散,露出奔驰C级的真身。”
“不过,在没有版权的情况下,如何重塑大家熟悉而又与电影里不尽相同的‘蝙蝠侠’和‘哥斯拉’是一个不小的挑战。”侯宇说:“我们设想如果西方的龙应该长成什么样的?是有翅膀的还是没有?” 后期公司是老搭档墨极(MORE),但细化龙的外型和动作上还是花了少心思。“我们在龙的身上添加了黏糊糊的液体、还增加了锐利的爪子划过屏幕并留下的裂痕的动作,让他在外型和行动上显得真实。” 龙的那两声振聋发聩的咆哮也很给力,据侯宇透露,后期音效MUSE Studio为了找到合适的声响,在海量的素材里反复地筛选和尝试。
“如果预算和时间能够再充裕一点的话,我们希望细节更丰富,例如有更多的渲染效果和镜头切换。” 对细节的执着是质量保证,这是晶橙能够为奔驰连续打造三条有质量(《新羊年,心无畏》、《奔驰E320L——教父》) 的作品原因之一吧。但我们更以为,校硕与侯宇这个团队最成功的地方是不把自己太当回事的态度,哪怕是百万的豪车,他们坚持要说人话,没有装B的点子。创作本身应该是一件好玩的事,玩心未泯的独特魅力会自然而然地散发在作品里并感染着观众。
制作名单 Credits
客户 Client: 奔驰 Mercedes Benz C-Class
代理商 Agency: 晶橙广告 Orange Advertising
制作公司: 橙丁影视 Orange Film
创意 Creatives: 张校硕 Nicky Zhang 侯宇Sky Ho
制作 Producer:雷震
导演 Director: 张校硕 Nicky Zhang 侯宇Sky Ho
文案 Copy: 张校硕 Nicky Zhang
摄影 DOP: 陈志荣
美术 Art: 屈伸
后期视觉Visual Effects: 墨极MORE
音效Sound Effects: Muse Studio
‘Benz C-Class (Tetris)’ is the latest online campaign by directors and creative duo, Nicky Zhang and Sky Ho who deconstructed the functions of the C-Class into the pieces of the classic Tetris game for the spot. The online campaign not only highlights the theme “The Car Inventor, Reinvent the Car,” and spotlights the core message of the campaign “Game Changer,” but also deviates from the conventional car adverts which show perfect scenarios of perfect cars passing through magnificent scenery while happy families share the lovely journey together.
“We wanted to make something fun – Nicky and I are huge cartoon fans, so we decided to project our cartoon love in the ad.” Sky laughed; “We tried to “gamify” the entire ad to look like an old school Tetris game, but having a 30 spot of just Tetris pieces falling would be a bit boring, so we inserted the animals to make it more interesting.” As fans of The Dark Knight and Godzilla Sky claims that’s where their inspiration came from “The bat represents a darkness that covers the light – where we can then introduce the LED Headlamps of the C-Class. When the light is switched on, the darkness is driven away; and the dragon (or Godzilla) is the PM2.5 source, breathing a heavy smoke which brings the climax of the film – as the driver with the full-geared-Stig-look drops down to complete the last slot, as the carbon filter wins the battle against PM2.5. The final winner, of course, is the Benz C-Class.
But, without copyrights, recreating the aforementioned characters became the biggest challenge they faced. “We tried to figure out what a Westernized dragon would look like, without it looking too much Godzilla – does it have wings??” With one of the most famous post houses, and Sky and Nicky’s old partner, MORE working on all the CG creations, Sky added a lot of details to the dragon in order to make it look more realistic and fierce – “for example we added the sticky slime on the dragon’s body, and had the dragon scratch the glass, leaving a mark.” Another long-term partner of the guys is MUSE studio who worked on the sound effects, which of course used some classic video game sound samples.
When asked about the final outcome, the duo is modest “we wanted to be more elaborate with the details, have more renderings and more transitions between shots, etc, but we would have needed more time and budget.” But these less than satisfactory factors don’t stop them from delivering cool works with consistent quality, especially when CGI and humour are concerned. The fact that these guys don’t take themselves too seriously which seems like it will make their success; they are having fun making the films – and the camera doesn’t lie – the fun definitely spreads to the audience.