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Director Mong-Hong Chung Created Stunning Visuals for Skoda’s Superb


钟孟宏曾经说过:“我不是会说故事的人,电影对我最吸引的地方是用画面、声音去塑造一个环境,让人身处里面。我觉得这是拍电影最美妙的地方。” 曾经执导过百部电视广告作品和六部电影、并获得过台湾金马奖“最佳导演”,钟导怎么可能不会讲故事?只是他运用的影像和音效手法实在是太出色,往往让人一下子先陷进他视觉强烈的画面里。 所以当斯科达“速派”的代理商博达大桥(FCB)揣着 《听见你的声音》的动态脚本去找钟导时,真的让人怀疑这种以纯影像和纯声音为主的创意是否为导演量身订造的?

答案当然是“不是”。 FCB上海的监制Ray Chang(张瑞恒)告诉SHP+:“从今年开始,斯科达就希望回归欧洲品牌的定位,广告电视片方面更有欧洲的Mood&Tone(影调及通调)。” 入行已经有20多载的台湾监制Ray说:“‘速派’其实在同类中级车里卖得不算理想,只有少量的消费者,但这些少量的人是(与大众)不一样的人,这是一种反向的定位思维。所以‘速派’ 希望为消费者制作一条与众不同的广告,通过不同的画面和不同的声音去表达不同的世界。”

“画面”与“声音”自然而然成为里最重要的元素 。 Ray说:“我们认为世界的声音是来自大自然的、人的和城市的。所以我们设定了三种场景:第一种是比较野性的,比如戈壁滩和沙漠;第二个种是令人心灵开阔的树林、深山和可以听到海声的海边;最后一个方向一定是要有城市,毕竟我们卖的是轿车、不是SUV。”



Ray提到:“ 钟导在现场有句话就是‘Forget about the storyboard’(忘掉故事脚本),他是了解了脚本的概念,在现场看到好的,临场马上抓拍。” 例如火柴在黑暗中擦亮的一刹、男主角穿越树林的剪影和蝴蝶在手掌间的被释放等都是分镜脚本外的画面。据Ray透露,导演与上海大众合作已久,代理商对导演拍摄方式也十分了解,所以从一开始导演对脚本的修改、到拍摄过程的临场发挥以及到后期导演对画面的编辑,代理商都给予了导演最大限度的创作空间。



Agency –FCB, Shanghai
Title: 让世界听见你的声音
Creative director- 费威 / 姜一鸣
Business Director – 傅雷
Agency Producer :Ray Chang (张瑞恒)
Production House: Possible Film (贞观国际制作)
Executive Producer -郭敏嘉
Director & DP – 钟孟宏
Assistant Director: 王盼云
Producer- 王鹤峰&宋铭忠
Film Grading: 丁登科
Post production(on-line)-戴旭宏


Taiwanese director Chung Mong-Hong  – former Golden Horse Awards winner in the Best Director category –  knows how to enchant an audience.  His latest effort, an ad for Volkswagen’s Skoda Superb, is clear proof of that.

Blending powerful sound and visuals, the commercial starts in the wild and moves to a metropolitan landscape, playing on the association of stunning natural imagery with the vehicle’s own feats.


It is, in a way,  a thoroughly Western-inspired spot: minimal in its aesthetic, stripped down of any excess in its shooting. Indeed, the West was what Skoda had in mind when it commissioned the commercial. “”From the start of the year, Skoda has been wainting to return to a Eurpean-style approach to  brand positioning, advertising and TV commercials, adopting a more pared down mood and tone compared to other flashier Chinese car ads,” says Taiwanese producer Ray Chang of agency FCB Shanghai, which oversaw the creation of the feature.

“Skoda Superb is not selling ideally in the mid-level automotive market,” says Chang. “In a way, people who choose to buy this car are different, not a mainstream type of consumer. Hence Skoda’s decision to make an ‘unusual’ ad through different visuals and sounds.”

The production team shot the ad in three locations: Turpan by the Gobi Desert in Xinjiang, Shanghai and Taiwan, going through six different backdrops in each place, from urban to mountainous, arid to lush.


“It was all about capturing the moment more than following a strict storyline,” explains Chang, “ and playing on the association of different images that came up as we went along – a match in the dark leads to the silhouette of a man coming out of a dark cave and into a forest,  a hand opening to release a few butterflies jumpstarts a sequence of breathtaking natural shots.”  At last, the viewer is brought back to the city, “because after all we’re selling urban vehicles, not SUVs,” says Chang.

This isn’t the first time Chung Mong-Hong has worked with Shanghai Volkswagen. That, probably, is the key behind the ad’s creative success: both agency and client are familiar with the director’s highly artistic use of the camera, and have followed – if not encouraged –  his instincts in the making of the commercial – one of the most beautiful SHP+ has seen in years.

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