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Chinese golfer Feng Shanshan swings, sings, and smiles for Buick spot | “高球一姐“冯珊珊出演别克广告,亦歌亦舞绽放笑容


This light-hearted two minute music video released last month on WeChat and Buick’s website is worth a second look.  New Life Films production was able to work with Chinese director Leo Liao, who had directed the spots’ reference video, Jane Zhang’s trippy and surreal “Dust My Shoulders Off”, which reached as high as 31 on the US Billboard’s top hits in 2016.  With Liao’s expertise, the team pulled off the time-freeze technique in an eight hour shoot day, with one day of prep and seven days for post.

上个月,别克微信公众号和官网上发布了最新的两分钟广告片,轻松愉悦的风格让人回味无穷。New Life Films制作公司力邀廖人帅导演执导此片,廖导曾执导过张靓颖新歌《Dust My Shoulders OffMV,此次别克广告正是以这首歌为参考制作的。廖导经验丰富,整个团队在一天八小时时间内的紧张日程就拍完了片子,此前还有一天的准备时间,以及后续的七天后期制作。

Creating original lyrics that conveyed the client’s message and also matched the recognizable chosen tune of Canon in D Major was a main challenge for creative and production.  The creatives from MullenLowe discussed and crafted the final song with music production company Fantasy Music for a week to get it right.  The song was then recorded in one day with the talent, including Feng Shanshan, Buick’ sponsored female golfer, who was the first Chinese woman to join the LPG.

这部片子的主要创意难点是如何打造原创音乐,既能传达别克的理念,同时又能跟D大调卡农相称,让人耳熟能详。睿狮广告传播创意团队跟音乐制作公司Fantasy Music共同出谋划策,一周之内创作出了最后的音乐。歌曲的录制花了一天的时间,别克高尔夫代言人高球一姐冯珊珊也献声歌唱,冯珊珊称后LPGA锦标赛,是首位大满贯中国冠军。

Reference video “Dust My Shoulders Off” also directed by Leo Liao

Shanshan, who is the first Chinese golfer, male or female, to win a major championship, was a delight to have on set, New Life Films Executive Producer Min Ma shared.  She was a “bit less confident singing than playing golf” Min admitted, but the team was very appreciative of her efforts and time, as she started practicing the song a few days before the shoot while she was in the middle of competitions for the LPGA Tour.

作为LPGA锦标赛首位大满贯中国冠军,冯珊珊非常高兴参与现场录制,New Life Films监制Min Ma如是说。Min表示,冯珊珊“唱歌没有打高尔夫那么自信”,但是整个制作团队非常感谢她能参与演唱,在录制前几天,冯珊珊在LPGA锦标赛期间练习了这首歌。

The large number of talents required was another challenging element.  With half of the twenty-eight talents under the age of fifteen, production was lucky to find six girls and six boys from the same dance school.  This sped up the rehearsal time needed to teach the younger talent the necessary dance moves, the time-freeze poses, and lip-sync techniques. 


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The use of time freeze technique with a continuous moving camera was only confirmed two weeks before the shoot.  The final set was an 800 square meter golf course with the studio walls painted white to give the background the appearance of a painted picture.  Given there was only seven days allowed for post, production decided not to edit out the props used to aid in the time freeze method which also gave the spot a playful touch.


In the final scene the production team runs onto the set and embraces all the talent and Shanshan, showing how much everyone truly enjoyed the shoot.  It was not without meticulous planning and tiring work to execute the time freeze style but it was clearly well worth the effort.


Credits | 制片团队
Client 客户: SGM – Buick
Agency 广告公司: MULLENLOWE
Production 制片公司: New Life Films
Director 导演: Leo Liao 廖人帅
DP 摄影指导: Kedy Yu
Art Director 艺术: 陈澍宇
EP 监制 : Min Ma
Line Producer 制片经理: Pan Pan 潘潘
Music 音乐制作: Fantasy Music Studio
Studio 工作室: 威盛

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