AD STARS日前在韩国釜山公布了今年的获奖名单。其中阳狮中国与香港Grey Group获得了金奖。
The winners at the AD STARS festival in Korea have been announced, with Gold prizes for Publicis China and Grey Group Hong Kong.
2016年是AD STARS第九次在韩国滨海城市釜山举办。尽管AD STARS相比于亚太地区的其它广告奖项如Spikes与ADFEST更年轻,规模也更小,但自从08年始创以来,该奖项的规模仍在日渐增加。
2016 was the ninth year of the festival by the beach in Korea’s second city, Busan. Though younger and smaller than leading APAC regional events Spikes and ADFEST, AD STARS has been steadily growing since launching in 2008.
2016年AD STARS全体评审合照|AD STARS 2016 Jurors
今年AD STARS总共收到了来自61个国家的18063件作品。30位评审从全球各地飞来韩国参加评审工作——其中三位来自中国:安索帕中国首席创意官Tim Doherty(4位执行评审之一),北京智威汤逊首席创意官朱伟幸,以及浙江工业大学教授项建中。
This year the festival received 18,063 entries from 61 countries, with 30 jurors travelling to Korea, including three from China; Tim Doherty, CCO Isobar China as one of four Executive Judges, Polly Chu, CCO, JWT Beijing and Professor Tom Xiang from Zhejiang University of Technology.
安索帕中国首席创意官,执行评审Tim Doherty在AD STARS发表讲演|Tim Doherty, CCO Isobar China, Executive Judges, giving a presentation at AD STARS
AD STARS官网上这么说:“AD STARS旨在为人性的幸福。”这句话对于中国来说尤其成立,特别是对于中国的广告业来说。尽管中国公司在本届AD STARS上未能将全场大奖收入囊中,但能够收获如此多的奖项,他们也应该感到满足。
“AD STARS contributes to humanity’s happiness,” says the festival website, and that may well be true, particularly if by humanity it means Chinese advertising agencies. There was to be no Grand Prix, but they should be pleased with what was a solid haul of awards.
阳狮中国是本届AD STARS上中国公司的最大赢家。他们凭借Oppo《捐出屏幕,找寻失踪儿童》广告宣传在公益、媒体与公关奖项中收获了3块金牌。
Publicis China was the biggest winner, scooping three Gold in the PSA, Media and PR categories for its ‘Back Home Screens’ campaign for smartphone brand OPPO.
The campaign helped to raise awareness of the 200,000 children that disappear in China every year, of which only 0.1% are found, by replacing the usual decorative screen images found on mobile phone ads with pictures of missing kids.
一块《捐出屏幕,找寻失踪儿童》的户外广告牌|An outdoor ad for Oppo’s Back Home Screen
Innocean国际的全球首席创意官,本届AD STARS户外、工艺、多元化洞察与品牌定位的执行评审Jeremy Craigen说:“对于品牌来说,想要跨品牌与广告去宣传某个公益理念并非易事。但是阳狮的这次营销活动恰如其分的展示了如何做到这一点。”
睿狮广告传播菲律宾主席兼首席创意官,会议评审Leigh Reyes解释媒体项目金奖时说:“这则广告在推广公益理念时运用手机屏幕的创意十分独到,让人们了解到对于现有媒体我们能够如何善加利用。”
Jeremy Craigen, Global Chief Creative Officer at Innocean Worldwide and executive judge for the Outdoor, PSA, Diverse Insights and Place Brand categories said, “It’s not always appropriate for brands to crossover from advertising their products to promoting a good cause, but this is a good example of how to cross those boundaries.”
Explaining the Gold in Media, judge Leigh Reyes, President and Chief Creative Officer at MullenLowe Philippines, said “[The campaign] appropriated home screens for a good cause – it was a really smart use of an existing media.”
香港Grey Group拿下了多元化洞察奖项的金奖,为中国公司再添一金。这个为公益组织喜乐生命制作的“不要让她的第一张照片成为最后一张”的广告活动旨在唤起人们对于选择性堕胎的关注。
Grey Group Hong Kong won China’s other Gold in the Diverse Insight category for its ‘First Photo, Last Photo’ campaign for NGO Joy of Life, which sought to raise awareness and debate about the issue of gender selective abortions.
一位香港市民在《不要让她的第一张照片成为最后一张》活动展览现场|A Hong Kong citizen at First Photo, Last Photo exhibition
博达大桥芝加哥资深副主席兼全球创意总监,本次大会评审Mazzei Nussbaum说:“这则广告从一个独特的角度揭露了中国存在的一些陋习,是对多元化洞察主题的一个很好的诠释。”
Juror Myra Mazzei Nussbaum, Senior Vice President and Global Creative Director at FCB Chicago, said, “This campaign gave a unique perspective on an issue that’s very specific to China, which makes it a perfect contender for the Diverse Insights category.”
继在ADFEST上大获成功之后,智威汤逊北京《十元背后看哭每个人的故事》再次在本届AD STARS上收获银奖。同时获奖的还有他们的雾霾系列主题广告和树钟广告。
Following on from its ADFEST success, JWT Beijing won Silver for $10 Tale of Forgotten Veterans, also taking metal for its Smog print ads and Tree Clock campaign.
智威汤逊北京作品《树钟》|JWT Beijing Tree Clock
Other China prizewinners included AKQA China, Dentsu Beijing, Cheil China, Cheil Hong Kong and Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong.
- 金奖:公益,媒体,公关
- 铜奖:户外
Grey Group香港|不要让她的第一张照片成为最后一张|喜乐生命
- 金奖:多元化洞察
- 银奖:公益广告
- 银奖:品牌动视
- 银奖:平面
- 银奖:广告视频
- 铜奖:非品牌视频
- 铜奖:多元化洞察
- 银奖:户外
- 铜奖:广告视频
杰尔中国|Gululu——杯中萌宠|Bowhead Technology
- 银奖:手机
- 铜奖:影视
奥美香港| #LikeACanuck | Shutterstock
- 银奖:影视
- 银奖:直销
- 银奖:手机
- 铜奖:手机
- 铜奖:手机
- 铜奖:设计
- 铜奖:直销
杰尔香港|爱的纸尿裤|Hello Angel
- 铜奖:直销
See the full list of China winners below:
Publicis China | Back Home Screens | OPPO
- Gold: PSA, Media, PR
- Bronze: Outdoor
Grey Group HK | First Photo, Last Photo | Joy of Life
- Gold: Diverse Insights
- Silver: PSA
- Silver: Branded Viral Videos
JWT Beijing | Smog: Tiananmen Square | Qiku Internet Network Scientific Co.
- Silver: Print
JWT Beijing | $10 Tale of Forgotten Veterans | Tencent
- Silver: Campaign video
- Bronze: Non-branded videos
- Bronze: Diverse Insights
JWT Beijing | Tree Clock | China Environmental Protection Foundation
- Silver: Outdoor
- Bronze: Campaign videos
Cheil China | Gululu – Pet In A Bottle | Bowhead Technology
- Silver: Mobile
Cheil China | ATM Dad |
- Bronze: Film
Ogilvy HK | #LikeACanuck | Shutterstock
- Silver: Film
Dentsu Beijing | FAMI-NAVI | Dongfeng CITROEN
- Silver: Direct
AKQA China | NSW: Sneaker Slam Mobile Site | Nike Greater China
- Silver: Mobile
- Bronze: Mobile
- AKQA China | Jordan : Wall Of Jordan | Nike Greater China
- Bronze: Mobile
Cheil HK | #BeTheirEyes | Samsung
- Bronze: Design
- Bronze: Direct
Cheil HK | Nappy Notes | Hello Angel
- Bronze: Direct