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Charming HP spot makes dreams come true | 惠普广告魅力无限,敢梦想,更出色


In this recently released spot for HP, with creative led by Fred & Farid, a wide-eyed little girl makes a wish to become a wizard.  The ad showcases HP’s remote control printer access, while the little girl waves her blue wand in front of a printer her discerning mother is able to secretly print pictures from the convenience of her phone.


It was Qian Xi Media’s first time working with Fred & Farid but they were very pleased to cooperate with agency producer Zhang Jing, who the production team specifically commented, “always helps to make our job easy”.  The spot was shot in two days with a month of post production to get the color grading and music selection up to everyone’s standards.  It took nearly three weeks and four different demos to finally agree upon the most appropriate music for the spot. 

这也是千禧传媒跟佛海佛瑞的首次合作,但是他们非常高兴能和佛海佛瑞的制片人章靖 联手,制作团队如是评价,她让我们的合作很顺畅。广告拍摄花了两天时间,包括调色和音乐选取在内的后期制作花了一个月时间,最终达到了让每个人都满意的效果。最终三周内,做了四个不同的demo,大家意见才达成一致,找到广告的最佳配乐。


On set | 现场

The soft color direction, which added an extra layer of emotion to the spot, was planned out before post production even began.  The team used a haze machine during the shoot to help warm the color tones before it was given to post under the guidance of local Chinese colorist Zhang Yingjie.


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Six year old talent Xixi | 六岁的希希

Shooting with young children was of course another challenge but also an entertaining part of the production process.  Six year old Xixi, who was the main talent, “is a sort of star among children actors here and has lots of experience for her age” Qian Xi Media explained.  So while she can have her naughty streaks, on set she generally responded quite well and would immediately adjust accordingly to the director’s instruction. 


Director Barnabas Wilhelm was good at getting the kids to respond.  Qian Xi media observed, “he knew what kind of acting and expressions he was looking for so he would just roll the camera without the kids noticing and trick them into giving him the genuine expressions he was looking for. During the opening classroom scene where the entire class is laughing, he and the DP rolled the camera without even the 1st AD and most of production noticing.  At one point he pretended to trip and fall, and this got a great reaction from all the kids.”

导演Barnabas Wilhelm很擅长调动小孩子。他知道自己想要什么样的表演,什么样的表情,所以他会趁小孩子不注意的时候,按下摄像机,搜集到他想要的纯真表情。片中教室场景那一幕,整个班级的小朋友都在笑,他和摄影指导悄悄按下摄像机,甚至连助理导演和大多数制作人员都没有注意到。他还故意假装要摔倒,从而收获了小孩子们的真实反映。

When it was released August 21st on WeChat, JD and Taobao all sides were pleased with the final cut, proving that a lot of collaboration, some hard work, and a touch of magic can go a long way.



Traditional prayer before the shoot with Director Barnabas Wilhelm | 导演Barnabas Wilhelm拜四方

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Traditional prayer before the shoot with DOP Sebastian Cort | 摄影执导Sebastian Cort拜四方

Credits | 制片团队
Client 客户: HP惠普
Agency 广告: Fred & Farid 佛海佛瑞
Production 制作: Qian Xi Media 千禧传媒
Director 导演: Barnabas Wilhelm
DOP 摄影指导: Sebastian Cort
Post 后期t: Live Plus
Music 音乐: Ponpon

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