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Cannes 2018: China’s Creativity Quest 2 | 2018戛纳国际创意节:中国创意,上下求索「2」


As the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity rolls around for its 65th edition China’s presence at the festival continues to grow in terms of attention, delegate numbers, and sponsorship.  For the second year in a row there will be a day dedicated to China related talks.


In terms of awards and honors, however, last year China’s numbers lagged relative to the size of the country’s submissions and the size of its advertising market.  What is holding back China’s market from earning international recognition for its advertising work?  Is it that Chinese agencies and brands do not place a high value on foreign award shows or perhaps there are deeper questions to ask such as how creativity and innovation are different in each country and culture, such that international award shows like Cannes are fundamentally biased against the type of work coming out of a new creative giant like China?


SHP+ asked local creatives, producers, and designers in China’s creative industry a few of these questions.  Leading up to the festival we will feature these interviews.  The next interview comes from W Founder 3Water.

SHP+提出了几个小问题,询问中国创意人士、制片和设计师的看法。在戛纳到来之际,我们将给大家带来系列访谈。下一位受访者是W创始人李三水 。


W Founder 3Water | W创始人的李三水


1. What is your definition of creativity 你如何定义创意?


Priceless ideas, which could be translated as inspiration that cannot be bought or has no price tag.



2.The growth of China’s ad industry is undeniable but how does China’s creative industry compare by international standards?  中国广告产业发展之快毋庸置疑,但是放眼全球,中国的创意产业又如何呢?


Going global is actually just a magnification of the local challenges on a grander scale. So this is the same for China’s ad industry, it is only a matter of time before China’s ad industry really takes off and even surpasses international expectations.所有國際化問題本質都是本土化問題的放大,所以中國廣告行業的發展也不例外,不是表現問題,只是時間問題,中國廣告必然崛起,甚至突破國際標準,新創華文標準。


3. How much do you feel your cultural background impacts this definition or your understanding of creativity? 你认为自身的文化背景对你的定义有何影响,对你对创意的理解又有何影响?


Creativity and culture are intimately intertwined.  Different cultures inevitably lead to multiple angles and perspectives. Creativity coexists with culture. I’m a native Chinese myself and all I want is to survive in the industry. I’ve never even thought about being an influential figure.必然有關。視角也必然多元,共存無間。我是中國土生土長的一隻野狗,只想求存而已,從未妄求過影響。


4. China often is accused of being a copy-cat, is this a misunderstanding of China’s creative industry development or do you find this to be a genuine issue in China’s market? 中国总被人说成是山寨,你觉得这是对中国创意产业发展的误解吗?还是事实确实如此?


This is a issue for the whole, we are in some sense all copying from each other.



5. Why do you think Chinese brands and agencies have not received many international awards? 你认为中国品牌和广告公司没有斩获太多国际大奖的原因是什么?


International awards are decreasing in value at the same time China’s economy is rising; it is like you meet the right person at the wrong time.



6.  How do you define the difference between creativity and innovation? 你如何界定创意和创新之间的区别?


All the works at W are under what I call a ‘hypermedia’ strategy are very creative, whether you are talking about music, movies, media, exhibitions, or other trends. If you look closely, you will understand that creativity is all about the industry’s self-indulgence. By contrast, innovation is the means to change people’s behavior. So the guiding principle at W is don’t be a creative, be a creator.

W所有餞行「超媒體」戰略的作品都極具創造性,無論音樂、電影、媒體、會展、潮流…如果你仔細觀察,就會理解創意只是行業的自嗨,創新或者創造才是改變所有人的行為,所以W奉行:不做創意人 只做創作者。


7. Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the growth and development of creativity in China’s ad industry?对于中国广告产业的成长和发展,整体来讲,你是乐观还是悲观?


We are not overly optimistic or pessimistic, we simply continue to create our best work and take advantage of the moment.

W 不悲不喜,野狗順勢而為。


3 Water will be speaking at Cannes Lions this year on China Day.  If you’re there be sure to attend his talk entitled “Don’t be a creative, be a creator” on Wednesday, June 20th at 2:30 on the Spotlight Stage.

今年,李三水将在戛纳创意节中国日带来演讲 – “不做创意人,制作创作者”,如果你也前往戛纳创意节,精彩不容错过。演讲将在 6月20日星期三 2:30 在Spotlight Stage进行。



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