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Boxing Cat Superhero Obliterates Ordinary Beer In New Animated Campaign | 超级英雄拳击猫全新初代啤酒动画广告


Boxing Cat Brewery launched its new Amber Lager campaign this week, centered around an action packed animated film about a superhero cat boxer intent on ridding China’s cities of mundane beer, one haymaker at a time.


Titled “First Blood”, with the slogan “Defeat Ordinary”, the feline protagonist is Louie, a character developed from the original Boxing Cat logo, the cat patrols the city in search of insipid beers and apathetic civilians. R/GA Shanghai ECD Terence Leong mentioned that it was not planned for Louie to be a super hero, but after CD Shing Sian Chew played the Spiderman theme song it was like “boom! Everything clicked – he’s a superhero who fights boring beers.”

Terence Leong提到并没有让Louie(路易)成为超级英雄的计划,但是在Shing Sian Chew播放了蜘蛛侠主题曲后,感觉就像“爆发一样,一切都很成功——他是一个会和无聊的啤酒战斗的超级英雄。”

Music studio Ker Sound was given the challenging job of creating a catchy theme song originally based around this reference that influenced Louie’s creation. The idea was to stay as far away from anything that sounded like an advertising jingle and create more raw “punk rock track.” While they are still waiting to see whether the song catches on, Shing noted that the ACD in their office who doesn’t speak Chinese has been spotted singing the song.

位于上海的Ker Sound接到了一项颇具挑战性的任务,根据这个影响了Louie(路易)的创意的事例,创作一首吸引人的主题曲。他们的想法是不同于广告曲目,他们想创作出更为原始的“朋克摇滚乐”。在他们还不确定这首歌是否受欢迎的时候,Shing注意到他们办公室里不会说中文的ACD都在唱这首歌。标题显示“第一血”,并且标语为“击败平凡”,一只猫形象的主人公路易(Louie),这个角色是在原来拳击猫logo中进一步发展的,他巡逻城市,搜寻着无味的啤酒和无动于衷的百姓们。

The piece was created by R/GA Shanghai, produced by Shanghai-based production company Final Frontier, and directed and animated by Buenos Aires studio Le Cube. It is the trio’s latest collaboration following last year’s award-winning, data-driven Road To HBL campaign for Nike China.

这个片段由上海R/GA创作,由在上海的制片公司Final Frontier终极先锋制片,由布宜诺斯艾利斯的工作室Le Cube导演和制作动画。这是继去年为中国耐克制作的数据驱动的获奖动画作品《通往HBL之路》之后,三方合作的最新项目。

“First Blood” rolled out across China last week, appearing on Boxing Cat’s official WeChat, and in live superhero-themed launch parties in Shanghai and Beijing.



Production Company 制片公司: FINAL FRONTIER 终极先锋

Executive Producer 监制: Chris Colman, Gustavo Karam, Julieta Zajaczkowski

Director 导演: LE CUBE

Creative Agency创意代理公司: R/GA SHANGHAI

Executive Creative Director 执行创意导演: Terence Leong

Creative Director 创意导演: Shing Sian Chew

Associate Creative Directo 副创意总监: Rich Harris

Copywriter 广告文撰写人: Fang Cao

Designer 设计师: Jeremy Wang

Content Producer 内容制作人: Ivy Low (Freelance)

Producer 制片人: Ann Yao

Strategy Director 策略总监: Connie Ho

Planner 计划员: Alan Wu

Managing Director 总经理: Sook Ping Chow

Account Director 客户总监: Angela Tan

Music & Sound Production 音乐及音效制作: Kersound Studios

Composer 作曲家: Akira Terao

Singer 歌手: Yang Kai 杨锴

Music Supervisor 音乐总监: Greg Yu

Client 客户: AB InBev

AB InBev Marketing VP百威啤酒集团营销副总: Nicolas Eduardo Morelli

Boxing Cat Co-Founder 拳击猫联合创始人: Lee Tseng, Kelley Lee

Boxing Cat Brewmaster 拳击猫酿酒专家: Michael Jordan

Zx Ventures Marketing Director 百威英博市场总监: Judy Tseng

Boxing Cat Brand Manager 拳击猫品牌经理: Kelsey Willis


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