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With founding members from across the globe, #OWNED is an association of women-owned companies operating in the advertising production industry. The main idea behind #OWNED is to have an organized international resource which will allow brands and clients to have easier access to the industry’s woman owned companies. It also is an initiative of global inclusion that supports, promotes and champions women in all aspects of the industry.


The group officially launched at CICLOPE International Craft Festival in Berlin on November 9, with the panel discussion “Woman-Owned Companies: More Female Voices In The Advertising Pipeline”.


As one of the founding members, Megan Kelly states, “Our hope is to evolve the definition of woman owned companies, enabling the conversation around women as leaders to expand. Our wish is for our voices to be sought for the creativity we bring to the table. As directives continue to emerge from brands calling for more work to be channelled to woman owned companies, we realised there was no central database or clear path to finding us. The aim in creating OWNED is to seek parity over preferential treatment, culminating in more female voices being part of the production pipeline. The goal of OWNED is for the current void to be filled with positive and transformative dialogue rather than a furthering of the gender divide.  Our long term goals are to expand our professional networks globally enabling us to help and support each other for generations to come”.

创办成员之一的Megan Kelly表示:“我们希望重新定义女性主导的公司,让更多的女性领导者有更多的交流。希望带给大家我们一直在寻找的创新之声。当更多的品牌希望能够联系到女性主导公司时,他们没有相应的数据库或清晰的路线来找到我们。OWNED创立的初衷就是寻找平等,而非偏见,凝聚广告制作行业更多的女性声音。OWNED的目标就是让积极和革新的对话填补目前的空白,而非加剧性别之争。从全球层面扩大我们的工作网络,让我们能够互相帮助和支持。我们的长期目标就是鼓舞和支持这个时代的以及未来更多的女性们。”

The group grew in only four weeks to about 60 international companies, and seems likely to grow significantly after the launch. Several Chinese companies, including Gwantsi, Flyover and Fat Fat Cat, have already pledged membership.

OWNED在成立后的仅仅4周之内,已经扩展到了全球60多家公司,以目前趋势来看,未来还将会稳步地扩大。一些中国公司,包括观池影视,Flyover and Fat Fat Cat等,已经提交了会员申请。

More female voices are wanted at #OWNED. Companies are eligible to join OWNED if a woman owns at least 25% and has held an active leadership and decision-making role (Managing Director, EP or above) for at least three years. Please email:


#OWNED panel at CICLOPE International Craft Festival in Berlin. Megan Kelly of Honor Society, Ingrid Bragemann of Tantor Films, Jessica Kersten of Cloud Factory and Emma Daines of Fin Design and Effects talked about what women have to offer and what they’d like to achieve from the perspectives of agency, production, service production and post-production.

#OWNEDCICLOPE柏林国际广告创意节上的专题讨论会。来自Honor SocietyMegan Kelly,来自 Tantor Films Ingrid Bragemann,来自Cloud Factory Jessica Kersten以及来自Fin Design and EffectsEmma Daines从广告公司,制作,服务制作和后期制作等层面探讨了女性能够做到什么,已经她们希望达成什么。

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