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Beats by Dre Presents “The Way I Am”
Beats 声来如此


Beats by Dre与窦靖童的合作开启了Beats在鸡年的宣传浪潮。这部5分钟长的微电影《声来如此》,讲述了一个有关新年团圆、家庭传统与现代观念的故事。。

Beats by Dre recently collaborated with Chinese singer-songwriter Leah Dou for their Chinese New Year internet campaign. They created a five minute short film entitled “The Way I Am”, focusing on the theme of familial responsibility.   

此次Beats并没有选择他们的长期合作伙伴RG/A作为广告代理,而是通过洛杉矶Beats的内部创意团队,加上来自We are Social上海的创意人Ying Chang的帮助,完成了这支广告的策划与创意。

For this campaign, Beats did not hire RG/A, their agency of record, but again opted for their in-house creatives in Los Angeles. They also enlisted the creative help of Ying Chang from We are Social Shanghai, their frequent partner for Beats social media projects.

屏幕快照 2017-02-20 下午6.04.02窦靖童 | Leah Dou

《声来如此》由国际制片公司RadicalMedia制作拍摄(该公司在上海设有分部)。洛杉矶Beats项目部的成员也来到中国参与到拍摄制作中。在3天的拍摄过程中,摄制团队深刻体会到了北京的污染程度——空气污染指数达到了700之高——“有的成员不得不带着面罩,甚至连睡觉时也不摘下来,”RadicalMedia上海的监制Kyum Hoi Koo说,“拍摄条件非常艰苦,但我们仍出色的完成了拍摄任务。”

Shot over three days in Beijing, the film was produced by RadicalMedia, an international production company which maintains a Shanghai office. Members of the Beats LA project team were also in China for the shoot. During the three day shoot, the team experienced Beijing’s notoriously high levels of pollution, with AQI levels as high as 700. “Some of the team members had to have masks on, even when sleeping,” says Kyum Hoi Koo, Shanghai Executive Producer. “Rather hard conditions for a shoot, but everyone dealt with it greatly.”

屏幕快照 2017-02-20 下午6.06.38

本片导演由MV导演Austin Peters执导,Menno Mans出任摄影指导。他们在影片中对于人物情绪以及日常生活状态的把控对于本片剧情来说如锦上添花。窦靖童在片头介绍贯穿全片的音乐《It’s Not A Crime》(《It’s Just What We Do》)时说:“这首歌送给每个面对两难抉择的人。”这首歌反映了在当下中国年轻人在传统观念与现代生活之间的挣扎,以及Beats和窦靖童的音乐带给他们的抚慰。

The film was directed by music video director Austin Peters and DOP Menno Mans. Their deeply personal style of filmmaking, showcasing a slice of the daily life of their subjects, was a perfect fit for the film’s emotional theme. As Dou says when she introduces her song “It’s Not A Crime (It’s Just What We Do)”, which serves as the background music, the film speaks to “everyone who’s ever been caught in between two things that they love.” The song reflects the conflicting emotions of the young Chinese characters, each struggling as they attempt to negotiate between their modern lives and family traditions. The film also shows the comfort and escape that music brings to all of us and that Beats is there to help.


This spot is a great example of a direct collaboration between the client and the production house, a current hot topic in the industry. 


  • 导演: Austin Peters
  • 摄影指导: Menno mans
  • 全球创意总监: Diallo Marvel
  • 创意总监: Ying Chang
  • 制作公司: RadicalMedia
  • 广告公司: Beats by Dre


  • Director: Austin Peters
  • D.o.P: Menno mans
  • Global Creative director: Diallo Marvel
  • Creative director: Ying Chang
  • Production house: RadicalMedia
  • Agency: Beats by Dre

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