2017年1月11日 中国北京 – BBDO在北京开设音乐制作工作室BBDO and Syn。该工作室与著名的音乐制作公司Syn合作,并在北京办公室内设有录音设备及全职混音师和音乐制作人驻地。此举为BBDO不断拓展服务能力的举措之一,以更好地满足客户日益增长的需求。
January 11, 2017 – Beijing, China – BBDO Asia announces the opening of its in-house music production facility in Beijing operated in collaboration with renowned music production company Syn. The studio comprises of a recording facility with full-time engineering and production staff based at BBDO Beijing’s offices.
左起:Syn合伙创始人兼创意总监Nick Wood;BBDO亚洲主席兼CEO Jean-Paul Burge;BBDO北京首席创意官曾德龙 | L to R: Nick Wood, Co-founder and Creative Director of Syn; Jean-Paul Burge, Chairman & CEO at BBDO Asia; Arthur Tsang, CCO of BBDO Beijing
BBDO and Syn工作室通过Syn的全球网络办公室和遍布在日本、美国的优秀音乐人向BBDO的客户提供一个全方位的音乐服务解决方案,从合成、编曲、混音到管弦乐编曲、音乐监管、声音设计再到版权管理。
The studio will provide a full-service music solution to BBDO’s clients, from music composition, arranging, recording, mixing to orchestration, music supervision, sound design and rights management by leveraging Syn’s global network of offices and talent in Japan and the US.
Over the past 2 years, Syn have been working on several of BBDO China’s projects, creating amongst others memorable soundtracks for Mercedes-Benz Brand Campaigns in China, Dove Chocolate’s ‘Rhythm of her Heart’ mini-musical and Doublemint’s ‘Story of QQ and JJ’, just to name a few.
“Music and sound is critical in creating the most memorable work, yet often it is left as an afterthought. By offering a music production facility of such calibre, that sits within our creative department, we intend to improve the standard of work for all our clients with more efficient and early dialogue between creative and music, and to educate and nurture the broader musical tastes of clients and staff alike”, said Arthur Tsang, Chief Creative Officer of BBDO Beijing.
在开幕酒会上,BBDO and Syn 工作室举行了一个现场混音活动,现场贵宾见证并参与了工作室通过使用来自世界各地的录制的片段进行现场混音创造一首知名的歌曲。
The opening ceremony launched with a live mix session where guests witnessed and participated in the creation of a well-known song using stems recorded all over the world and mixed with participation by the guests at the BBDO Beijing facility.
“这是一个绝好的范例,展示了BBDO and Syn 工作室的能力,以及整合综合技能和全球人才的力量。我们将会游刃有余地录制和混制来自世界各地的声音,也打开了一扇通向更多新的机遇的大门。” Nick Wood, Syn联合创始人兼创意总监。
“It was an amazing demonstration of not only what we can offer, but also the power of leveraging our combined skills and network of talent. We are very comfortable recording and mixing music all over the world and the BBDO and Syn Studio partnership opens the door to many new possibilities.” said Nick Wood, Co-founder and Creative Director of Syn.