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AD STARS Awards | 广告之星奖宣布今年参赛作品数量


AD STARS 2019 will be held from 22-24 August in Busan Korea. This year, there are  20,645 entries from 60 countries, up slightly from last year’s 20,342 entries from 57 countries.  There were 1,141 entries from China, 5% up from 1,089 in 2018.


AD STARS offers a level playing field for agencies and production companies by virtue of the fact that virtually all of its categories are free to enter. Only the Integrated and Innovation categories have an entry fee attached to them of US$90 per entry.


Of the 20,645 entries received this year, AD STARS once again received the highest number of entries in Outdoor, Print, Film and Design. All entries are now in the running to win two US$10,000 cash prizes, which AD STARS presents every year to its Grand Prix of the Year winners.


An international panel of remote jurors will soon begin judging entries to AD STARS 2019 to determine this year’s finalists.


From China, Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong there are so far 3 judges on the panel:



Peggy Hsieh, General Manager MRM//McCann总经理, MRM//McCann judging Direct, Media, Promotion, PR categories,

Peggy Hsieh,MRM//McCann总经理,负责导演、媒体、推广、公关类奖项的评审

Laura Geagea, Managing Director, China / Asia / MENA, Sweetshop judging Film & Video Stars categories,

Laura Geagea,Sweetshop中国/亚洲/中东地区常务董事,负责电影&视频类奖项的评审


Paul Chan, Chief Creative Officer, Cheil Hong Kong judging Design & Print categories.

Paul Chan, Cheil Hong Kong创意总监,负责设计及印刷类奖项的评审


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