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Final Frontier’s League of Legends Epic for OPPO|FF终极先锋再现英雄史诗


Director’s Cut 导演剪辑版

Final Frontier produced a powerful League of Legends game-themed commercial to promote OPPO’s new Reno Ace 2 phone.

Final Frontier终极先锋为OPPO的新手机Reno Ace 2制作了一个以《英雄联盟》为主题的宣传广告。

Directed by Hans-Christoph Schultheiss, the spot was designed and animated by German CG powerhouse, Sehsucht.   The production features a huge mountaintop confrontation between the 2019 League of Legends World Championship-winning team FPX, and some particularly terrifying-looking challengers.

该片由Hans-Christoph Schultheiss执导,由德国CG工作室Sehsucht设计并制作。这个作品讲述的是2019年英雄联盟冠军球队FPX和一些凶神恶煞的挑战者之间展开一场宏大的山顶对决。

2D animatic

WIP animatic

The 30-second character-driven, game-themed animated piece was brought to life in under six weeks by a team of artists with a passion for egaming.  Director Schultheiss says balancing the production timing and the creative concept was a huge challenge. “Everything needed to be created from scratch, visually and technically,” he said.



The initial challenge was finding solutions for the character design and the storytelling” says Final Frontier executive producer, Chris Colman.  “With only six weeks from the get-go to launch, we needed a way to design, model and animate six visually impressive yet viable FPX players, their avatars as well as a diverse team of challengers.  On top of that, the avatars needed to clearly represent the FPX team members, yet also feature elements of the actual avatars they used in competition.  Our audience are LoL and FPX aficionados and would spot any inaccuracies a mile off.  It was a complex juggling act to incorporate all these elements and make it work inside the demanding schedule.”


Concept Art

And then two weeks into production, the COVID19 crisis hit in Europe and suddenly the entire crew had to scatter and start working from home, but they didn’t miss a beat.  They had to be on top of their game and coordinate the continuing full-scale production, with data-exchange, all communication and renders remaining flawless.


The result is a slick piece of cinematic filmmaking that will surely resonate with League of Legends gamers.


Concept Art

Credits 制作人员

Client 客户: OPPO

Production Company 制片公司: Final Frontier终极先锋

Executives Producer 监制: Gustavo Karam, Chris Colman, Julieta Zajaczkowski

Project Manager 项目主管: Bella Jiang

Director 导演: Hans-Christoph Schultheiss

Production Studio 制作公司: Sehsucht, Hamburg


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