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One Show International Festival of Creativity
2015年One Show国际创意节


Founded in New York in 1975, The One Club is a non-profit organization devoted to elevating creative work in the creative advertising industry. With the mission to educate and inspire students of the business and to benefit the next generation of creatives, the One Club produces four annual award competitions: The One Show, One Show Design, One Show Entertainment, and One Show Interactive. Judged every year by top industry professionals, The One Show is one of the most prestigious awards competitions in advertising and design. The One Club came to China in 2001. The second One Show Festival for Greater China and its related events will take place in Beijing during November 2-11th, 2015.

One Show

Selected by The One Club’s global board of directors from a nomination list provided by the regional office, the jury list of 2015 One Show Greater China includes top creatives and advertising executives from New York, Shanghai, Beijing, Sydney, Capetown, and Berlin with a many cultural backgrounds and a combination of both international and local insights. The judging will be taking place in Swissotel, Beijing from November 2rd to 4th. The award ceremony and after party of 2015 One Show Award for Greater China will be held in Sanlitun, Beijing on November 6th, 2015. During the day of November 5th to 6th, there will be an international innovation summit where more than 20 international speakers bring on inspiring contents to Greater China market. There will be presentations and panels cover topics including social media, story telling with technology, the youth culture and youth marketing, local innovation team showcase, etc.

As an important part of One Show Festival for Greater China, One Show Portfolio Review will be held on November 9th Open to university students and young creatives under the age of 28, One Show Portfolio Review invites some of the top creative leaders to do the review. They are ECDs from JWT, Service Plan, PAE Media, RenRen, Lowe, InnoKids, etc. For more information, make sure to check out their website


The One Club于1975年在纽约成立,是一个以推崇优秀广告创意为宗旨的非盈利性广告组织。把对年轻创意人的教育和扶持为使命,The One Club不仅发起创办了One Show广告奖,还拥有针对年轻人的国际竞赛,创意讲座,创意杂志和出版物。The One Club在2001进入中国。2015年One Show中华创艺节将于11月2 – 11日于北京举行。

One Show中华创意奖于11月2-4日在北京港澳中心瑞士酒店举行了落地评审会。One Show中华创新峰会及颁奖典礼将于11月5-6日在北京三里屯太古里南区橙色大厅隆重举行。本次中华创新峰会将涵盖:创意领袖演讲,颁奖典礼,青年大师课,极客摇滚音乐会,创意饕餮之夜,官方after party等多项活动。One Show作为全球创新的倡导者,在融合与技术创新的时代,提出多个涉及创意与技术创新的跨界话题,涉及智能硬件与品牌传播,企业社会责任和公益模式创新,粉丝经济与社会化媒体营销创新,年轻人营销与年轻文化,创新人才培养等话题,用跨界的思想来连结广告传播行业与互联网行业,促进行业的融合与发展。在为其两天的创新峰会中,国际领先的创意领袖将发表极具启发性的演讲,主题涵盖设计,广告创意,社会化媒体,娱乐营销,社会公益创新和新技术等话题。

One Show旗下的创意青年面试日将在11月9日举办。面向大学在校生以及28岁以下的年轻创意人。出席进行面试的面试官来自各个顶尖创意公司,广告公司,和互联网公司的资深创意总监。以确定的部分面试公司为智威汤逊, Service Plam. PAE Media, 人人网,睿狮广告,InnoKids异开等。详情请登陆


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