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180China带你感受中国电商巨头京东最新广告,一起律动起来 | Feel the beat with 180China’s spot for Chinese e-commerce giant


不论你对中国消费主义哀叹也好,欣喜也罢,这一次60秒钟的京东618购物节广告,毋庸置疑会让你眼前一亮。广告由Jovan B. Topdorovic执导,创意来自于180China,制作则由Stink操刀,最原始的素材演绎了年轻人和老年人其乐融融的画面,手舞足蹈,热情亲吻,嬉笑打闹,中国现代与传统紧密融合。

Whether you bemoan or delight in the spirit of Chinese consumerism, this 60 second cut for e-commerce giant‘s June 18th shopping festival, is undeniably cool.  With creative by 180China and production by Stink, the raw montage of shots jump from young and old people dancing, kissing, and fighting, fusing images of modern and traditional China. 

这是塞尔维亚导演Topdorovic第一次在中国拍广告,5天的拍摄在上海取景,团队最后精心选出了30个镜头。180China首席创意官Kenneth Kuan紧密参与拍摄,他表示此次广告的意图就是“打造人们日常生活以外的镜头”,比如京剧艺术家在延安西路唱京剧,再比如太极大师在空空的游泳池打太极。当然,有一些镜头最终没能过审。

It was Serbian Director Jovan B. Topdorovic’s first time shooting in China.  The crew managed to squeeze in an impressive 30 shots over 5 days of shooting in Shanghai.  180China’s Chief Creative Officer Kenneth Kuan, who was intimately involved during the shoot, said the intention was “create scenes you don’t see in ordinary life”, such as a Beijing Opera singer under Yan’an West road or a Taiji master practicing in an empty swimming pool.  Not all the scenes captured in the end made it through the censors.


Central to creating the ’energetic’ feel desired by the creatives was the musical elements seamlessly stitched together with the movements of each scene.  Audio Force, recommended by Stink to 180China, a Berlin based music production company, delivered the ‘beep-bop’ rhythm 180China was seeking.  Everything from the woman chopping vegetables, the basekball slammed on the concrete, to the rain, the cars, the couple’s argument and the girl being pushed on the bed had a specific sound matched to the movement. It took several weeks to reach the final music cut, with input coming  from all sides, including a mixer, Aleksandar Protic, from New York who also happens to be a fellow Serbian and friend of director Topdorovic.  

创意团队意在创作一种“活力十足”的感觉,音乐元素的无缝嵌入可谓至关重要。制作过程中,Stink推荐了Audio Force团队,这是一家来自柏林的音乐制作公司,他们为180China打造了他们想要的“beep-bop”旋律。音乐剪辑几周之后才最终敲定,各方都贡献自己的意见,其中还包括来自纽约的混音师。

The final cut was a nice collaborative effort from individuals and companies with diverse backgrounds and cultures, who truly had as much fun making it as they were able to create on screen in this colorful and emotional spot.



制作团队 | Credits

首席创意官 Chief Creative OfficerKenneth Kuan

创意总监 Creative DirectorLi Pengqi / Kenneth Kuan

艺术总监 Art DirectorKenneth Kuan

文案 CopywriterLi Pengqi, / Xu Kun

广告制片Agency ProducerCui Yunliang

副总经理 Deputy General ManagerPeter Lo

客户团队 Account TeamMoson Jiang / Karma Lin / Shanpu Tu / Xinyu Lu

制作公司 Production CompanyStink Films

导演 DirectorJovan B. Topdorovic

摄影指导 DOPAlbert Salas

监制 Executive ProducerSally Shi / Desmond Loh

第一副导演 First ADJo Chan

制片经理 Line ProducerDeman

灯光师 GafferShen Yong Nian

剪辑 EditorHan Zi

后期 Post ProductionDDPO北京

后期制片Post ProducerMary

音乐 MusicAudio Force

作曲 Composer: Daniel Mueller / Sebastian Budde

混音 Mixer: Aleksandar Protic

音乐制作 Music Producer: Thomas Suess

调色 Color grading: Nicola

精剪 OnlineAhlo

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