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骆耀明助力百事打造夏季广告 | Andrew Lok gets Pepsi gets ready for summer



Pepsi-Cola put out a cheerful, reflective short film for summer, released on May 4th, National Youth Day in China.  It celebrates Pepsi’s interaction with China from yesteryears to today by highlighting influential moments in the lives of Chinese youth starting from 1981, the year Pepsi entered China’s market.

广告长达7分钟,由百事在中国的广告代理上海文明广告公司创作,NUTS Film操刀制作,展示了过去三十年来中国的技术发展和个性解放。除了一小段缅怀四川地震的画面外,整个片子节奏活跃,没有触及任何中国经济飞速发展相关的敏感话题。

The seven minute film, created by Pepsi’s China agency CIVILIZATION Shanghai and produced by NUTS Film, keeps the attention on technology shifts and personal freedoms China has achieved in the last three decades.  There is a brief pause in the up-beat tempo to remember the Sichuan earthquake, but otherwise the film steers clear of any sensitive issues related to China’s break-neck speed of economic development.



Andrew Lok, Co-founder of CIVILIZATION Shanghai, who directed the film, has been a creative director on the Pepsi account since 2009 and so has personally helped the brand evolve and stay relevant in China in recent years.  The planning process for this particular film took more than three months, with two weeks of actual shooting time mostly in real locations scouted just outside Beijing and Shanghai.

制作公司NUTS Film(此前叫做上海梵净艺坊文化有限公司)的创始人徐迪瀚之前是一名记者,毕业于上海电影学院,他跟骆耀明导演认识已久,关系也很不错。“NUTS总是把最好的人才和设备拿来跟我们合作,我很感激。”骆耀明对NUTS Films赞赏有加,他这样评价他们之间的合作,“导演如果不是制作公司的所有人,一般情况都很难有这么轻松的合作,所以干嘛不好好珍惜呢?”

The production company, NUTS Film, previously Fan Jing Films, started by a former journalist and Shanghai Film Academy graduate Didi Xu, has a longstanding, positive relationship with director Lok. “I always appreciate that NUTS surrounds me with the best talent and equipment.” Lok continues his praise of NUTS Films and comments on their working partnership, explaining “it’s quite rare for a director to work so effortlessly with a production company that he has no ownership stake in, so why mess with a good thing?”


片中朗朗上口的旋律也出自骆导之手,他从17岁起就开始尝试弹吉他写诗。2013年,他跟Drum Music一起为百事新春贺岁广告创作了简短的钢琴主题曲,那时候她发现自己还挺一点就通的。此后他经常会为自己执导的片子创作音乐。这一次,他跟音乐制作公司Fantasy Music一起合作,打造了广告音乐。

The catchy tune for the film was also composed by Lok, himself, who has tinkered around playing guitar and writing poetry since he was seventeen.  In 2013 Lok composed a short piano motif with Drum Music for Pepsi’s Chinese New Year’s commercial and found he had a knack for it.  Since then he often composes the music in the films he directs.  For this film he worked with music production company Fantasy Music.

或许这部片子的最后两分钟最震撼人心,相片跟引言相结合,中国青年一代分享了他们个人蜕变的时刻 – 父母离开家门他们开始跳舞,抑或是攒钱吃第一顿西餐,再或者是某个烂醉的晚上令人难忘的初吻。百事自身,还有广告公司和制作公司思考了很长时间,有哪些话语能跟不同年代的年轻人产生共鸣。

The last two minutes of the film are perhaps the most intriguing.  Still photos and quotes are paired, which share personal and transformative moments for China’s youth, from dancing when their parents were out of the house, to saving money for their first western meal, or a memorable first kiss on a drunk night out. The brand, agency, and production had long reminiscing sessions before putting together the selected quotes that they felt most resonated with each specific generation of young people.


百事标语“就现在”(Live for now)是全球大规模宣传活动的一部分,显然它很适合这次的广告片中所展现的年轻人的精神。无需触及政治话题,这部片子把中国不远的过去和蓬勃的未来串成一副愉快的画面,同时,百事很可能仍将延续这种愉悦又充满创意的风格。

Pepsi’s tagline ‘Live for now’, part of a larger global campaign is certainly appropriate for the youthful spirit of this short film.  Without getting political, it ties together an optimistic picture of China’s recent past and thriving future, which Pepsi will likely stay a part of with fun and creative films like this one.



制作团队 | Credits

客户 | Client:  百事可乐 Pepsi-Cola

广告公司 | Agency:上海文明广告 CIVILIZATION Shanghai

创意总监 | Creative Director: Andrew Lok / Alex Xie / Juno Zhang

文案 | Writer:Juno Zhang / Andrew Lok

艺术指导 | Art Director:Andrew Lok / Xiao-Peng Zhang

广告公司制片 | Agency Producer:Ivy Yang

制作公司 | Production Company:NUTS Films

导演 | Director:Andrew Lok

摄影 | Cinematographer:Ke-Nan Qi

执行总监 | Executive Directors:Didi Xu / Ling-Song Yu

摄影助理 | Camera Assistants:Wei Pang / Tian He / Ben Nan / Fan Yang

制作艺术指导 | Production Art Director:Yang-Jun Lin / Bo Tang

制片 | Producer:Chao Tong / Di Gao

剪辑 | Editor:Didi Xu / Yin-Jian Lu

特效 | SFX:Liang

作曲 | Music Composer::Andrew Lok

作词 | Lyricist :Juno Zhang(中文)/ Andrew Lok (English)

音乐制作 | Music Production: Fantasy Music

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