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Women’s (Empowerment) Day | 三八妇女节,看到女性的力量


It’s starting to feel like there is a festival or holiday nearly every month in China that caters to consumerism. Single’s Day finishes out the year, then we start a new with Chinese New Year, and now on March 8th comes International Women’s Day. Interestingly enough, China is actually one of the few countries where women are entitled to take the day off– and hopefully this benefits more than just consumerism.


Of course, sales are part of it, and it comes as no surprise that JD and Tmall release various commercials for the 8th of March holiday, but the ads also make and attempt at empowering women in China.


Tmall’s ad “我,就耀多彩” meaning “I am shining” presents three women protagonists: actresses Ren Suxi and Jiang QinQin and performer辣目洋子 who advocate that being a woman is not about fitting into one box, but embracing a whole spectrum of qualities that women possess.

天猫的主题广告“我,就耀多彩” 选择了三位不同的女性:演员任素汐和蒋勤勤,喜剧演员辣目洋子,她们认为,作为女性,人生不应该设限,女性可以演绎多面精彩。

American luxury fashion brand Calvin Klein is also embracing diversity in their new ad made especially for Women’s Day. The campaign is very personal, with main characters, who are shot without make-up, talk about how they have overcame different hardships in their lives and have turned them into victories. “Creativity makes me who I am,” states Bonnie Chen in the video, a model and artist from China.

美国时尚品牌Calvin Klein同样针对妇女节,在新的广告短片中鼓励女性的多样性。广告显得非常质朴,主角们不施粉黛,自然地在镜头前聊到她们如何克服恐惧,赢得人生。中国演员和艺术家陈碧舸在视频中提到:“创造力成就了现在的我。”

Following a similar narrative, Wieden + Kennedy Shanghai has released a commercial celebrating women in sports who face negativity and social prejudice but overcome them with great triumph. The visually and very impactful film uses diverse camera techniques and strong music and sound effects to create an incredibly dramatic story that drives this important message home.

W+K 上海同样发布了一款新广告,对焦那些穿着运动服的女性,她们如何战胜否定和社会偏见,反败为胜。画面有着非常强的视觉冲击力,运用不同的镜头语言和音乐效果,刻画了异常生动的故事,将女性力量讲述得掷地有声。

Back in January, SK-II’s ad campaign addressed the social and familial pressure of Chinese women to get married. It received much buzz and is still a hot topic on Chinese social media. The campaign encourages women to “shape their own destiny” and to change the long-lasting pressure to marry by stating “We’re single, but not ‘leftovers’”.

Ultimately, The #MeToo Movement has already deep roots in the West, but tackling gender norms in China is something advertisers still seem a little timid about. These examples are only a few of what we are seeing this year, but the numbers are still low compared to the West. However, hopefully this new trend of female empowerment will be seen more and more in the advertising in China.


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