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The story of New Studios- China’s Vimeo 新片场的故事 —— 中国的Vimeo


In the world of Chinese commercial filmmaking, a profile page on New Studios (Xinpianchang) website is the new norm— everyone you collaborate with is highly likely to have one. Some of over 2 million registered users give their profile on Xinpianchang credit for around 40% of their yearly projects. We’ve had a chance to talk with Xinpianchang’s Vice President Chen Yue (Vincent) about the company’s development, their goals, and what it has to offer to filmmaking professionals.


陈跃 Vincent

When four Master’s students at Beijing Telecommunications University came together to work on their first project, they might have not foreseen it growing into China’s biggest video creators community. In 2011, Yin Xingliang, Chen Yue, Li Yang and Zhou Di created a short video sharing website, quickly discovering that in China, there was no platform where creative professionals could showcase their work. Launched a year later, Xinpianchang slowly got the investment of Alibaba, Sequoia, Perfect World, and in 2018 was reportedly evaluated at around 1.15 billion yuan (nearly 167M USD).


Xinpianchang continues to develop rapidly, constantly adapting and foreseeing the needs of the market. Witnessing the rise of smartphones and mobile internet, which has led to a big demand in content, the four cofounders grabbed the opportunity. Vincent shares, that today, the content-creating division is driving profits for the company. New Studios Pictures 新片场影业 specializes on production and distribution of online films for China’s major streaming platforms like Aiqiyi, Youku and Tencent Video. Vincent recalls the early days of nascent online films industry, when one could shoot a 90-minutes film for 200,000 yuan. Now the budgets skyrocketed to 10 millions, so did the profits. For the short videos, Xinpianchang strategically selects creators on the platform with potential, employing them as in-house talent. Short videos business now serves over 180 brands, partnering with Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, Meipai and other Chinese mainstream platforms.


Xinpianchang is often compared to Vimeo, but it wouldn’t be an entirely accurate comparison. The Chinese platform grew into an entire eco system with offline events like NEW ERA Youth film festival, online Academy with courses on directing, montage, color mixing, in addition to wide-ranging services it provides to creatives. According to Vincent, the biggest group of Xinpianchang users are students and amateurs who aspire to enter the filmmaking industry, followed by creators of brand promo videos, and advertising specialists on top. Xinpianchang offers an aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, albeit monolingual, platform to showcase creative work,  different from other similar platforms in China. First of all, its essential functions are free, no ads playing before the videos, and no watermarks on any of the work. Coupled with functions to tag fellow creators on projects, these are the key elements that keep attracting users.

如今的新片场常被拿来与Vimeo相提并论,但这其实不算是很准确的对比对象。中国的新片场已经成长为一个巨大的生态系统,既有类似于NEW ERA青年电影季,也有线上学院提供导演,蒙太奇和色彩混调方面的课程,除此之外还为创意人士提供了很多其他五花八门的服务。陈跃告诉我们,新片场的主要用户群是学生和对影视制片行业感兴趣的业余人士,其次还有大量的品牌宣传创作人和职业广告人。新片场为用户提供了一个审美愉悦,使用方便,单语言(中文)的展示创意作品的平台,与其他中国类似的平台都不同。首先,新片场社区的主要功能都是免费的,视频播放前也不会插播广告,作品也不加水印,还可以标注项目相关的创作人员。这些对用户来说,正是新片场保持持久吸引力的关键。

Vincent firmly believes in the Xinpianchang model, to the point, when he confidently declares they do not have any competitors on Chinese market. As to the future of paid-membership only platforms, like TVCBook, he avoids a direct comment . Everything that Xinpianchang does, is with aim to elevate the industry’s effectiveness and bring value to the users. The filmmaking industry is growing in China, and if Xinpianchang can tap into 1-2% of its profits, that’s enough for them. Size of the company is not a correct marker of how good the company is, and Vincent admires small companies that are achieving a lot without big teams. With 300 people, Xinpianchang is on a mission to become “the next generation media company” through technology have their eye on international expansion and with the potential of nabbing some of Vimeo’s 240 million active viewers, the sky is the limit for this small but fast growing company.


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