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RICElebrate | 生米组成

RICElebrate is a new creative agenyc out to change the world | 全新广告公司‘生米组成’致力于改变世界


The advertising industry is notoriously accused for creating a world of excess and extravagance. Former Creative Officer at Chiel PengTai, Peter Shen, is trying to change that. Earlier this year he started his own agency, RICELebrate. The name stems from the importance of rice in Chinese society. Peter shared the inspiration for the name explaining, “as Chinese, we turn rice grains into cooked rice and many other forms of goods such as noodles, congee, rice wine, all of which are not only important source of nutrients, but also joyful ingredients in life. Our team wants to do exactly that: taking “rice grains”— ideas, technology, media, brands – and turn them into something fun, something meaningful.”

广告业有一个不好的名声 —— 太过冗余和奢华。但是现在,曾在杰尔鹏泰广告担任首席创意官的Peter Shen却要改变这种情况。今年,他成立了自己的广告公司RICElebrate。之所以起这个名字,是源于中国社会对米的重视。Peter对这个名称的灵感来源解释道,“在中国,我们会把米粒煮成米饭,也可以做成面条、粥、米酒等等,米不仅仅是我们重要的营养来源,同时也是生活中令人欢喜的元素。这正是我们团队的心里所想:要把“米粒” —— 也就是想法、科技、媒体和品牌,变成好玩又有意思的东西。

Peter Shen, RICElebrate founder | 沈翔 RICElebrate 创始人


RICElebrate is founded with the intention to solve some of the world’s most pressing social issues.  The idea is to use design and creativity as a way for companies and brands to make a meaningful impact.


The team’s guiding tools are social design and attention design.  Social design, as described by the agency “aims to solve social issues while also creating business value for brands, so that sustainable investments can be put into social topics”.


An example of social design is the agency’s Green Box campaign.  To compensate for the large amounts of waste generated today, a thin piece of brown paper with seeds infused is attached to each delivery box.  The intention is for consumers to plant a tree for every package ordered.  At a minimum through this campaign consumers are made aware of the detrimental side effects of an economy increasingly reliant on delivery services.  The paper technology and idea were all created in-house, now the trick is finding a client who wants to take on the campaign.

公司举办的Green Box活动就是社会设计的一个实例。关于快递盒子产生的浪费问题,公司设计了一张嵌入了种子的薄薄棕色纸张,跟每个快递盒子放在一起,目的就是为了吸引消费者的注意力,每订一个快递,都要去种一棵树,起码要让消费者意识到,快递服务型经济的迅猛发展,带来了很多负面影响。这背后的科技和理念都是公司内部团队自己想出来的,现在这个宣传活动的点子已经被一个客户看中了。

The second tool, attention design, is the use of creative design in everyday scenarios to get consumers to pay attention to a social issue.  The agency won a Grand Prix at China’s prestigious ROI awards last month for an innovative attention design campaign called “The Tape Pledge”.  Created for Suning, the campaign dramatically raised awareness about animal poaching.  A little bit of red liquid was placed inside tape, which had commonly poached animal graphics (or graphic images) on it, so when customers received a package and cut open the tape a little bit of red squirted out.  The in-your-face design, with the shocking moment of blood squirting out from the tape, was hard for any consumer to ignore.  The campaign won two bronze at The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity in June this year.


The Tape Pledge | 承诺胶带


There is no shortage of pressing social issues that the team wants to address.  The challenge rather is nailing down the best business model so their ideas can be implemented.  So far they have been busy pitching projects to potential clients.  Unlike the traditional model of a client approaching an agency, RICElebrate has turned this model around and approaches brands, companies, and NGO’s that it feels would benefit from its social design or attention design campaigns already created.



Beijing Team | 北京团队
Shanghai Team | 上海团队


RICElebrate is headquartered in Shanghai and has already opened an office in Beijing.  The agency is no doubt still working to find its proper footing in China’s agency landscape.  To view more creative campaigns waiting for implementation scan RICElebrate’s QR code below.



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