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Revenue Streams — IPCN’s reality TV concept leverages live streaming to boost brands


在戛际创上,媛草做了演“Look out the Chinese are coming!”,向全球听众述了中国文化的爆炸性趋势,比如,内容作者如何利用视频直播来赚钱

Rebecca Yang’s Cannes presentation “Look out the Chinese are coming!” explained to an international audience how exploding cultural trends in China, such as live streaming, are being exploited and monetized by content creators.   



Talking with her afterwards, she seems uncomfortable with it all, explaining, “I can’t say I am pro this culture, but I want to understand it.” Nonetheless, she is approaching the lucrative new medium with cold opportunism, “With the technology, it is inevitable.  We as content providers need to think how it can be taken to our advantage, to create something a lot more valuable and entertaining.”

IPCN近期打造的目名字听起来有点怪异,叫《耐撕实习生》(Tear Resistant Interns),中国第一直播职场纪实剧”想要借此探寻视频直播的潜力。IPCN上海公室架起了24时摄,按照本开演,同穿着真的日常活,打造出既真又怪异的境,人有一种错觉。就如同《Big Brother这样目一,它是一种将内容和脱离本真人秀合的新形式。

IPCN’s recent series (awkwardly titled in English) Tear Resistant Interns sought to leverage streaming through “the first live streamed drama in China”.  24-hour cameras positioned around the IPCN office in Shanghai captured scripted action interspersed with genuine everyday activity to create the illusion of a real, if bizarre, workplace.  It’s a new type of content merging non-scripted reality shows like Big Brother with scripted dramas filmed live.



We’ve been manipulating a lot of what’s happening in real life. It is a real office, but the things happening in there are a little bit weird,” explains Yang.  Every week the cast is set a business brief, a story vehicle to bring out the rivalry between the two lead female characters, the department boss and the mistress of the investor who is helping to fund the department. 



Live streaming is the latest evolutionary step in social media, a vast network whereby a viewer, usually a male, on one side of China can donate money via e-gifts to get a streamer elsewhere, most likely a pretty young girl or a gamer, to perform his instructions or simply to express enthusiasm for the broadcast.  There are at least 300 apps and websites on which up to 60,000 people are streaming themselves at any one time, doing just about anything within the realms of censorship boundaries.  In the process, a wave of wealthy opinion leaders and online celebrities is being created.

Explaining why the phenomenon has gripped the country quite so aggressively is more complex. “I can’t understand it”, says Yang, “I can’t tell you the psychological or anthropological way of understanding it”. 




She theorises that it is down to economic concerns, “people’s lives becoming more pressurised, the gap between the rich and the poor getting bigger,” combined with a deep feeling of boredom and loneliness.  Near ubiquitous smartphone and internet access means “there is a way you can share and bond with people with similar feelings.”

The IPCN team spent months in research, seeking to understand the habits of viewers, figuring out why anyone would choose to watch people working in an office. “[Viewers] tend not to exceed longer than an hour, so how do we keep them?  How do we make sure that people inside and outside of the live streaming rooms keep following the storylines?  Do they even care about the storylines?” says Yang. 


Six diverse brands, variously making smart TVs, cosmetics, clothing, desserts, cocktails and soy sauce, participated in Tear Resistant Interns. Yang was surprised but reassured by the level of support for an untried concept, “it gave us confidence in terms of how [brands] were thinking about approaching their audience so vertically, how live streaming penetrates much better than just X sponsors X, which has no transfer rate whatsoever”



《耐撕实习生》原本就熠熠生IPCN内容作更加丰富。2007年公司成立媛草跟前ITV CEO Mick Desmond两个人一起定了公司的理念,物媒体娱乐的一站式公司、投IP,在中国大陆电视或网行播放,通播放助和支持社交媒体来收益。

Each brand was built into the storylines with an extended social media campaign running in parallel, driving traffic to e-commerce links or the brands’ off-line sales promotion events. The audience was able to easily make impulse purchases within the show and encouraged to donate virtual gifts as and when the mood took them. 

Tear Resistant Interns is another feather in IPCN’s distinguished content cap. Yang defines the company she co-founded in 2007 with a former ITV CEO as a “one stop shop media entertainment rights company” that imports, invests in or originates IPs and broadcasts them on TV or online in Mainland China, generating revenue through broadcast sponsorship and supporting social media applications.



公司授权执行了多达35目,包括超火的《中国达人秀》、《中国好声音》和《超育儿》在内。在正筹中国版《Shark Tank》,携手一家孵化平台公司,支持目中的企家。

“We are the masterminds, we do everything”, explains Yang, “finding investors and sponsors, production, casting, making government relationships, ensuring the show is primetime, then creating a brand internationally that will travel back to the Chinese government, so that productions are rewarded.”   

The company has licensed and executed more than 35 properties, including mega-hits China’s Got Talent, The Voice Of China and Supernanny, and is currently preparing to launch the official Chinese version of Shark Tank along with a separate incubator company to support the entrepreneurs featured in the show. 


中国一向都被人认为是模仿国,但是IPCN却以真性著称,目授,而不是抄袭别人。媛草解释说,真原来目的感和制作,是打造成功目的关“节目形式之所以很成功,能受到全世界各地人迎,是有原因的。目打造了自己的品牌,商品牌融入IP品牌中 – 应该是一个良性循环……是第一家打造种模式的公司,而且我会一直保持下去

In a country notorious for imitation, IPCN has earned a reputation for authenticity, licensing rather than ripping off established shows. Yang explains that truly harnessing the look, feel and production know-how of the original is crucial for success, “There is a reason why these formats are successful and travel around the world.  They are brands and commercial brands buy into IP brands – it should be a healthy circle.  We are the first company that started this and we’ll continue to do that.” 


Tear Resistant Interns debuted on June 6th, earning over one million RMB in audience donations in its first week.  The show eventually drew in over 100 million viewers throughout its run, peaking at 1.7 million simultaneous viewers on one day, attracting extensive media coverage and millions of comments on Weibo.

本周媛草在件中表示,整体来很成功,也是全新的型和技很好尝试 《耐撕实习生》第二季也已入制作,IPCN要一鼓作气,继续探索直播剧带来的机遇IPCN界一直首当其冲,是他人相模仿的象,这次也不会例外。

Speaking by email this week, Yang said, “overall it was a success and a great attempt in such a new genre and technology.” IPCN plans to keep exploiting the opportunity with a second season currently in the works.  Much like the properties the company has pioneered in the past, expect the show to inspire a wave of imitators.

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