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Post-production stories: Chinese classics for modern day players | 后期制作故事:现代玩家的中国经典


For Vision Shanghai (formerly Seoulvision Shanghai), this year started with new beginnings: new name, new brand, and new goals. The company, which handles everything from Editing, Motion Graphic,VFX,CGI,Sound recording, aims to unite the best teams to provide the highest results. The recent Playstation video, which is visually complex and technically challenging, was one of the first works marking their rebranding.

今年,Vision Shanghai(上海雪比广告制作有限公司)以新的名字、新的品牌和新的目标重新扬帆起航。这家公司的业务范围涵盖了剪辑、调色、VFX、CGI(计算机制图)、动态影像以及声音录制等各个方面,旨在联合最优秀的团队提供最优质的服务。最近发布的索尼游戏机视频,视觉效果复杂,技术上具有挑战性,是首批重塑公司品牌的作品之一。

At a little over a minute, the new commercial film for “Monkey King: Hero Is Back” is captivating from the first frames. You see a Peking Opera character emerging from the smoke as the camera moves closer and closer while he starts narrating his story. The monologue unfolds between a fast change of costumes, the character’s hypnotizing moves, and flashing PS4 symbols, amplified by glitch effects. Then an animated Sun Wu Kong, the Monkey King, appears, taking the viewer into the world of the game. The video finishes with the line “Originality, to the young hearts’ content”.

最新的商业片《西游记之大圣归来》,正片从一分多钟处开始,从第一帧开始就极具吸引力。随着镜头一点点拉近,你将会看到一个京剧角色从云雾中渐渐浮现,开始叙述他的故事。在快速更换服装、角色的瞬息间的动作和PS4符号的闪烁之间,旁白响起,这些画面被毛刺特效放大。随后,美猴王孙悟空登场了,将观众带入到游戏的世界里。视频的结尾处显示 “原创,致年轻的心。”

The video, which combines on-set filming and 3D animation, features not just any Peking Opera actor, but Qiu Jirong. Born into a renowned family of opera artists (his grandfather Qiu Shengrong was a founder of the Qiu school of Peking Opera), Qiu Jirong is known for his unique reinterpretation of tradition in every performance.


In line with the idea of combining the traditional with the original, Vision Shanghai was tasked to implement the glitch effect almost all over the video. Reminiscent of analog TV damage, the effects in the video are a digital step further, striving for the futuristic yet extremely vintage-looking visual impression. You can see the effect in scenes when Qiu Jirong narrates his story, and later when he constantly switches on screen with the Monkey King character.

遵从将传统与原创相结合的理念,Vision Shanghai(上海雪比广告制作有限公司)在整个视频中贯彻使用了毛刺特效。让人联想起模拟电视信号破坏,视频中的效果是一个数字化的进步,向极具复古风格的未来主义的视觉印象迈进。在裘继戎叙述故事的时候,以及随后屏幕上不断切换美猴王角色的时候,你都可以在场景中看到这种效果。

Vision used motion capture technology to bring the Monkey King character to life with the help of animation artists. “Our animation artists spent a lot of energy to make the character more realistic, working on the movement of Monkey King’s hair and cloak, which motion capture technology can’t simulate. It was a time-consuming task, involving meticulous calculations and multiple iterations”, Victoria Zhou, Vision’s PR Manager says. Another big challenge for the post production team was the joint scenes in which the animated Monkey King interacts with the actor. The team of artists had to put filmed character and the animated one into a shared space, and make the shift seamless. “Even though we’ve spent a lot of time on this project, it was a meaningful, impressive work, and we’re satisfied with the results,” says Vision’s CG artist.

Vision采用了动作捕捉技术,在动画艺术家的帮助下,将美猴王这一角色带入到生活中。“我们的动画艺术家为了使这个角色更真实,付出了大量的心血,在美猴王做动作时,我们特意刻画了他的毛发和披风,这是动作捕捉技术不能模拟的。这也是一项耗时的功夫,需要精细的计算和多次迭代”, Vision的公关部经理Victoria说道。对于后期制作团队来说,另一个巨大的挑战就是动画版美猴王和演员互动的联合场景。制作团队必须将拍摄的角色和动画角色放在一个共同的空间,并使切换无缝衔接。“即使我们在这个项目上花费了大量的时间,这对于我们来说也是一项意义重大的工作,我们对结果比较满意。” Vision的CG(计算机制图)画师表示。

“Monkey King: Hero Is Back” is set to launch in China in 2019, with other regions to follow at a later date. The action game centers on the Monkey King, and has a 10-plus hour storyline aiming to “bring the authentic Chinese spirit from the film to a global audience via a high-quality gameplay experience.”

《西游记之大圣归来》预计在2019年在中国发布,随后在其他地区发行。这个动作游戏聚焦美猴王,并且有十多个小时的故事情节,旨在将电影中真正的中国精神, 通过高品质的游戏体验带向全球的观众。


SONY PS4 裘继戎篇

Agency | 代理商:HAKUHODO

Production | 制作公司:Amanacliq

Director | 导演:李静波JBL

POST | 后期制作 : Vision Shanghai

Color | 调色: Louis Kim

VFX | 视觉特效: Eric Jung,Ariel Park

Motion Graphics | 动态影像:Rockkyoung Lee,Shinyeong Woo

CGI : JK Kim,AL Lee,Xadam,Carl Bank

Post Producer | 制作人:张八岁


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