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Monster Music – Daring New Sounds|Monster Music 敢出新声


Monster Music’s founder Roy Shen Zoor

Monster Music is no stranger to working in the Chinese market. Shortly after creating the music for their first Chinese BMW campaign last year, the boutique music production house got very busy. The Tel-Aviv based company, that regularly collaborates with well-connected musicians around the world, has already worked on a number of China based projects for Audi, VW, Cadillac, Oppo, and Vivo just to name a few. Monster Music’s founder Roy Shen Zoor shares with SHP+ how they’ve seemed to have found the right code to understanding Chinese clients.

对中国市场来说,Monster Music(怪兽音乐)绝对是个耳熟能详的名字。在去年为宝马中国的广告大片创作音乐后,这家小而美的精品音乐公司就变得十分忙碌。Monster Music总部位于特拉维夫,经常与世界各地关系密切的音乐家合作,仅在中国就已经与奥迪、大众、凯迪拉克、Oppo和Vivo等多个品牌有过合作。近日,它的创始人Roy Shen Zoor与SHP+分享了他们是如何找到了理解中国客户的成功密码。

BMW China

The first thing you need to know, is that unlike the industry standard these days, Monster Music takes pride in having all their music producers in-house. This allows them to streamline the communication, and save time for the clients and production houses.Sound design is also done in-house, making the studio a one stop shop. In addition to in-house composers and producers, the company also has an extensive network of musicians, artists, and singers from New York, LA, Sydney, Amsterdam and all over the world. Which means, they can produce any music genre in an organic way. From big, emotional and cinematic orchestral arrangements like the new WW Nissan campaign, to hit songs and crazy future beats and electronic music like the Mitsubishi, and VW campaign. There’s no style of music the team is not comfortable working with.

关于Monster Music,首先人们需要明确一点,与如今的行业标准不同,Monster Music以拥有内部音乐制作人为傲。这使得他们能够简化沟通,并为客户和制片公司节省时间。声音和音效设计也全部在内部完成,为客户提供一站式的服务。当然,除了内部的作曲家和制作人,这家企业还有丰富的人才资源网,不论是音乐人,艺术家,还是歌手,从纽约和洛杉矶,到悉尼和阿姆斯特丹,Monster Music的合作人才遍布全球。这意味着,他们能够创作最原汁原味的任何流派的音乐作品。从宏大、感人、电影式的管弦乐编排,例如最新的日产汽车广告,到流行歌曲、疯狂的未来节拍和电子音乐,比如三菱汽车和大众汽车广告。对这支团队来说,就没有不拿手的风格。


Having grown to ten people from two since its inception in 2012, Monster Music wants to remain a boutique music production house. As Roy deciphers the company name, the team is on a mission to “make bad-ass music production, like monsters, adding a unique sound twist in everything they create”. As a composer and music producer himself, Roy has a clear vision of successful music collaboration, mixing the social element and expertise. “Monster Music’s philosophy is always finding an original and organic way for each client and each project. We believe that the stage of music research is the most critical point in the working process. That’s how we usually find the tailor-made idea that makes the production more original and tight to the film”, shares Roy.

自2012年成立以来,Monster Music已经从两个人的团队发展到了十个人,并希望作为一家精品音乐制作公司,继续保持其小而美的风格。Roy为我们解读了公司名称背后的深意,这支团队的目标是:“制作狂拽酷炫的音乐作品,就像一只只特立独行的怪兽,为创作的每一支作品都加入与众不同的音符” 。作为一名作曲家和音乐制作人,将社会因素和专业知识结合在一起,Roy对成功的音乐合作有着清晰的愿景。“Monster Music的理念是为每个客户和每个项目寻找一种原创且有机的方案。我们认为,音乐调研阶段是创作过程中最关键的阶段。通常就是在这个阶段,为了让影片更具原创性,我们会找到更贴近电影的,量身定做一般的原创创意,”Roy分享到。

That’s why the Monster Music team prefers to be involved from the early stages of the project. This gives them the ability to work creatively with the director and production to adapt the sound and the music as part of the core of the film idea. They don’t go for off-the-shelf solutions, so experimenting during the production process and then having time to fine tune the recording pays off with convincing, authentic tracks like Monster Music’s OPPO Reno 3 project, which was accompanied by an original track, written from scratch. While only being in the Chinese market a relatively short time and having no previous idea on how the Chinese market and creative world worked, Monster Music were able to approach this new market with a lot of passion and experience from Europe, Japan, and the US. This gave them the necessary tools to quickly understand the Chinese process of working, which they now seem to have a good grip on.

这也是为什么Monster Music团队喜欢在项目的早期阶段就参与进来。这让他们能够创造性地与导演和制作团队合作,将声音和音乐改编成电影理念的核心部分。他们不爱现成的解决方案,更愿意在制作过程中进行试验,然后花时间对录音进行调优,由此便可得到令人信服的、真实的音轨,就比如Monster Music的OPPO Reno 3 项目,它的原创音轨便是Monster Music从零开始原创的作品。虽然进入中国市场的时间相对较短,之前也不知道中国的市场和创意界是如何运作的,但Monster Music凭借一腔热血和在欧洲、日本和美国市场的经验进入了这个新市场。这些基础帮助他们快速地去了解中国的工作流程,而现在的他们似乎已经开始在这个新市场游刃有余。

Volkswagen for China


When asked about the differences working in China, compared to other markets, Roy is convinced, the basics are actually the same everywhere. He excitedly shares that they’ve met some amazing local creatives and that Monster Music doesn’t shy away from the intensity and dynamics of the market, but actually enjoys it. “The only thing different in China is that the client is usually very involved in the decision making compared to other countries”, Roy continues. The company’s second Oppo campaign is a good example of this kind of collaboration between the client and the music house, which results in a song that has a strong connection to the brand.

当我们问到在中国工作和其他市场有什么不同时,Roy告诉我们他坚信不论在哪,核心的内容其实是一样的。他兴奋地告诉我们,他们遇到了一些非常棒的本土创意人士,而且Monster Music并不惧怕中国市场的激烈和活性,甚至还非常享受这个环境。“与其他地区相比,中国市场唯一的不同就是客户非常喜欢参与决策”,Roy说。该公司与Oppo合作的第二个广告项目就是一个很好的例子,客户与音乐公司之间合作紧密,而由此诞生的一首作品就与品牌有很强的联系。

As to the future plans, Monster Music is planning to open an office in Shanghai in the near future. As always, they are on the lookout for talented people and cool brands to work with, as they’ve set eyes on expanding their presence in China. “The market in China is super dynamic and had a huge progress in the last few years, so there’s a lot of action and we at Monster Music love that action!”.

至于未来的规划,Monster Music正计划近期在上海开设办公室。同时,他们也一直在寻找有才能的人和个性品牌开展合作,因为他们正着眼于在中国更进一步。“中国的市场非常有活力,且在过去几年里取得了巨大进步,因此总有很多事情在发生,而我们Monster Music最喜欢这种热闹与活力!”。

Royal Enfield

Cadillac China


Monster Music behind OPPO ad sounds|OPPO广告音乐背后的工作室

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