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Masterminding The One Show China
One Show金铅笔大中华区主席马超:做一个公正纯粹的奖项


The One Club总部位于纽约,是一个旨在推广广告圈内创意与设计的非营利性组织。旗下的One Show国际广告节于1973年首次举办,并且在随后的发展中成为了全球范围内最有影响力的广告节之一。

The One Club is a New York-founded non-profit organisation that strives to promote creative excellence in advertising and design. In 1973 it launched its awards event, One Show, which has since grown to become one of the largest awards programs globally, in 2015 attracting a little over 22,000 entries from 69 countries.


2000年The One Club来到了中国,并在全国范围内开展促进广告届发展的活动、竞赛与讲座。2014年正式举办了第一届One Show China中华创意节。其作品征集范围并不局限于中国大陆,而是面向整个大中华区的华语广告圈。如今,One Show China已经成功举办了两届,并被Gunn Report(全球广告公司排名体系)列为全球范围内最具影响力的广告节之一。

The One Club expanded its reach into China in 2000, holding lectures and creative competitions for young talent across the country, before launching One Show China in 2014, covering the best work across the Greater China region. Since the first award, One Show China has been listed as one of the most influential advertising awards in Asia according to The Gunn Report, an annual publication identifying the most awarded new work within the advertising industry.

One Show大中华区主席马超,自2011年接手One Show China至今已有5年。此外他从大学起就开始运营一家独立广告公司(异开Innokids),同时他还担任中国传媒大学与美国密歇根州立大学的客座教授。在中国广告圈打拼多年之后,马超对于广告圈有着深厚的理解以及自己独到的看法。2016  One Show中华创意节即将于11月4日在上海举办,借此机会,SHP+相约One Show大中华区主席马超,听他讲述有关自己与One Show,乃至与广告行业的的不解之缘。

Masterminding the One Show China is Chairman Ma Chao, an experienced advertising creative, founder and CEO of Shanghai agency Innokids and part-time lecturer at CMC and Michigan State University. Having spent many years in the business, Ma Chao has a clearly defined set of ideas about what needs to happen in the industry.  SHP+ sat down with Chao to learn more.

%cd%bcOne Show大中华区主席,异开Innokids创始人马超 | Ma Chao, Chairman of One Show China, Founder of Innokids

SHP+:您本人除了One Show的工作之外还有一间独立运营的广告公司的,您是如何平衡二者的工作的?

马超:我作为Art出生的广告人,大学的时候就开始自己去接业务做创意,也是因为这个原因我在2007年的时候机缘巧合为One Show做一些创意的工作,因此与One Show结缘。我相信很多广告人和我一样对这个行业充满热情,无论是做创意还是做奖项,都希望能为行业带来正能量的东西。对于运营广告公司来说,一者是我作为一个艺术,很享受去做创意的过程;二者广告公司是一个做生意的平台。但坦白说,我不是一个很好的商人,对于广告来说,我是有情怀在的。One Show作为一个非盈利企业,在经济层面并没有特别大的盈利要求。我希望能把这个奖项做的很纯粹,去保证他的公正性,把真正富有创意和洞察的作品通过One Show平台带给整个行业,甚至通过这些好的作品去影响这个世界。

SHP+: Besides Chairman of One Show China, you also run a creative agency. How do you balance the two jobs?

Ma Chao: I started my career as an art director before I even graduated from college.  I began working with One Show in 2007, expanding the business and talking with clients.  In 2008, I attended the One Show in New York and established contact with The One Club.  Then in 2011, I was nominated as the chairman of One Show Greater China. I was always very enthusiastic about advertising while working as a creative, but as the chairman of One Show China I have both a greater ability and responsibility to deliver something positive to the industry. For me, running an agency is pure business, but when it comes to One Show, it’s true ingenuity. Ideally, we’ll be influential and make some money at the same time. As a non-profit organization, The One Club never expects us to make profit, which allows us to maintain the show’s integrity.


SHP+:说一点关于One Show China的事情吧。

马超:2000年One Show来到中国的时候,我们把方向就放在了青年竞赛上面,为品牌的输送更多的来自年轻人的好创意想法。一直到2010年的时候,青年竞赛已经做得不错了,那么该去做一个地区性的、大中华区的奖项。2005年的时候,One Show在中国成立了一个独资的有限公司(中国办公室)。在最开始的3年是美国总部给予我们财政支持,08年之后我们开始自负盈亏。所以我们其实每年做的最重要的事情之一是去找赞助商。作为一个非盈利性的组织,我们One Show China的收入主要来自于赞助和申奖的报名费。

SHP+: Tell us about One Show China.

Ma: When One Show first came to China in 2000, the main focus was on Youth Creative Competitions and lectures. We provided young creatives with opportunities to make contact with brands and agencies, to deliver fresh and inspiring ideas to the industry. By 2010, we felt the Youth Creative Competitions was running well and decided it was time to organize a regional One Show award for Greater China. In 2005, we set up an office and a company in China. The first three years of One Show China we received financial support from the The One Club in the US, and in 2008, we became financially independent. Since then, our main mission every year is to find sponsors.  As a non-profit organization, our income depends heavily on sponsorship and entry fees.

SHP+: One Show China与其他国内/国际的广告奖项有什么不同的吗?

马超:在广告奖项这个领域可能做的最大、也最成功的可能是戛纳。但是戛纳实际上是一个以盈利为目的的公司。因此他的奖项的设置,是为了吸引更多的作品来赚更多来申请费用。比如戛纳去年在3万多件作品中搬出了1100多个奖杯;而后One Show呢,是从2万件作品中颁出了371个奖杯——所以你可以知道这个得奖的比例的严格程度了吗?One Show在评审机制上是非常严格的因为我们是要做的是去建立一个行业的标准,而不是去赚多少钱。

第二个就是One Show China对于飞机稿的审查时非常严的。如果说有评委提出异议,说这个是明显的飞机稿,那么我们会复审。我们也会直接跟客户联系,看这个作品有没有投放过。

与国内的奖项相比,One Show China其实某种程度上代表着对未来的探索。比如我们在2014年设立了IP与产品创新类的奖项,鼓励产品服务IP的内容创新。在龙玺或者艾菲长城上面就是有很多的奖项还有很多业内的大佬大腕,我们很尊敬他们——但是在在One Show平台上能够看到更多的有才华的年轻人:年轻的CD、ECD们拿出自己的作品,拿出很酷的idea去跟大家分享。这个也是我们在挖掘和鼓励的,我们认为这个行业的未来属于年轻的一代创意人,所以在我们的发言嘉宾里面,我们不仅仅看重title,而是他是不是足够酷,有足够酷的故事,能跟大家分享。

SHP+: What are the main differences between One Show China and other advertising awards, both Chinese and foreign?

Ma: The world’s most successful advertising awards may be Cannes Lions, but Cannes is a profit-driven company.  In order to make more money on entry fees, they set up more categories every year.  Last year they gave out 1100 Lions from over 30,000 entries. Compare that to One Show China – we have only 371 Pencils from 20,000 entries. So you can see how difficult it is to win a Pencil. Our aim is not to make money, but to set a quality standard.  We are very strict about quality.

Another key differential is we are very careful not to let fake ads (ads that were never aired) win. Our Jury members closely examine every submitted work, and will even contact the clients to determine whether the ads have been released or not.

Compared to other local awards, One Show China represents future trends in advertising.  For example, in 2014 we set up a new categories in IP and Product Innovation, encouraging innovation in creative IP and content.  There are many senior creatives at the Great Wall or LongXi awards and we respect them and what they’ve done for the industry.  But we are more passionate and tend to encourage younger creatives with more inspiring ideas. It’s the same when we select our speakers. We are not looking for their title.  We just need them to have cool stories to share.





SHP+: Chinese advertising companies tend not to participate in international advertising awards.  Why is that?

Ma:  For some Chinese companies, budget is prohibitive.  That said, I think the main reason is that Chinese companies tend to be realistic. One or two local awards is enough to show off to their clients. The stature of the awards doesn’t mean a lot to them, as long as the trophies pack the wall of their office. They can’t appreciate the value of winning an international award and, moreover, they do not know how to make an international advertisement. There’s really a gap between local and international advertising.

SHP+: One Show China抹平国内与国际广告圈的差异方面扮演了怎样一个角色呢?

马超:我们首先是一个桥梁——通过One Show中华奖(专业奖)把中国的好的作品和团队内容推到国际上去,把国际上的好的作品、创意人请到中国来与业界分享沟通。通过One Show中华青年奖让年轻创意人可以得到来自广告主们的真实命题,去进行实战训练;广告主也借此机会了解到哪些品牌在年轻人中的传播最为有效;广告公司也得到了有才华的年轻人作为自己的公司的新血液。

在One Show China的微信公众号上有教人们如何制作申奖案例视频的公众号的文章。我们会每年都会去各大广告公司或者互联网公司媒体公司去做宣讲会,告诉大家如何去创作一个国际标准案例,并且把这些案例用来去申请。我们一直在做这样的(青年创意人)教育,让更多的中国的作品能够有机会在国际上露脸,让我们的软实力被国外所看到的。我相信随着中国广告越来越国际化,能够在国际上有实力的话,会有中国的案例在国际上发出声音的,甚至我们的作品也能够被国外的广告人写进教科书里。


SHP+: What role does One Show China play in bridging this gap? 

Ma:  We picture ourselves as a bridge that connects China’s advertising industry and the international industry. Through One Show China, the best creatives and work in China can be recognized abroad, and the best international work can be seen in China and bring us innovative ideas. We are also trying to facilitate the exchange of ideas and fresh blood by bringing together the best young creatives, agencies and brands.

Our WeChat account features guides to international awards, showing industry people how they can prepare their work. We also hold workshops in agencies and companies about how to apply for awards and what work is worth sending. We are also continuing our Youth Creative lectures in colleges, educating future advertisers on the values of different international awards. We are not just doing this to encourage more companies to participate in international awards, but to promote Chinese advertising’s reputation on the global stage. I believe if we keep following our path, our industry will be recognized, and even put into textbooks to educate foreign advertising students.

In future we are looking at expanding our reach into the entire APAC region, making the award similar to Adfest and Spikes.


SHP+:One Show中国今年的口号有什么含义吗?

马超:今年One Show China的口号是“万千创意,秀以启发”。One Show将关注重点放在了“启发”二字上:创意启发来自于各种地方——从乔布斯到安迪沃霍尔,历史上的艺术家、科技人、音乐人都可以对广告创意产生影响。One Show存在的价值也并非仅仅是颁给优秀创意人与作品一个奖杯,而是通过这些优秀的作品,去启发整个行业。

SHP+: What is the theme of this year’s One Show China?

Ma: This year the theme is “Inspiration: One Show inspires the future, inspires the world.” Scientist, artists, musicians, from Steve Jobs, John Lennon to Andy Warhol – they all influenced the advertising industry. The value of One Show isn’t just in presenting the winners trophies, but awarding the best creativity in our industry and hopefully inspiring people.


下周五(11月4日)即将在上海举行的2016 One Show中华创意节,以MarTech(Marketing+ Technology)为讨论主题,邀请到了包括瑞典Volvo卡车的传奇创意公司F&B、英国顶尖创意公司Adam & Eve以及产品创新和商业转型顶尖创新企业Red Peak等著名国际创意企业的创意领袖前来演讲。相信会有越来越多的人通过One Show 的平台获得创意的启发。了解更多关于One Show中华创意节的信息及议程,请关注:

2016 One Show China will be held on Nov. 4th in Shanghai. Featuring the topic “MarTech” (Marketing + Technology), the event invited F&B, Adam & Eve, Red Peak and many other international creative agencies to give their insights of the industry. To learn more about One Show China, please visit:

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