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88rising, experts on Asian youth culture | 88rising专注打造亚洲潮流文化


88rising opened its doors in Shanghai less than a year ago.  Their video content in China already has over 300 million views.  The media agency founded by Sean Miyashiro, an American of Japanese and Korean decent, has certainly struck a chord among the Chinese youth.

不到一年前,88rising(88上升)入驻上海,现在,中文社交媒体频道浏览量已超过3亿。88rising频道的创始人Sean Miyashiro是日韩裔美国人,这个平台毋庸置疑激起了中国年轻人心中的共鸣。

Reggie Ba-Pe III who is the General Manager and Creative Director of the Shanghai team said, “We are brought on projects because clients and agencies want insights to how they can reach a younger audience and they see us as a direct channel to youth culture”.

上海团队总经理兼创意总监Reggie Ba-Pe III表示,“客户和广告机构纷纷找到我们合作项目,就是因为他们想要吸引中国的年轻群体,他们看到,我们88rising就是了解年轻人文化的直接通道”。

The “hybrid management, record label, video production and marketing company” as described by Miyashiro, started with the intention to give Asian creatives a global platform.  After Miyashiro sold his EDM platform THUMP, to VICE, he started 88rising’s YouTube channel.  Their viewing numbers alone is one indication that this previously overlooked demographic of Asian musician was craving attention and exposure.



Higher Brothers 海尔兄弟 feat. Joji x adidas Originals China NMD “PAST EMPOWERS FUTURE”


88rising represents the Higher Brothers, a rap group based in Chengdu, which gave the agency mmediate recognition in China.  They are also invested in by the WPP group, which places them within a large network that is arguably starved for just their kind of youth culture knowledge and insights.

88rising还签约了成都说唱团体Higher Brothers(海尔兄弟),立刻在中国名声大噪。88rising也得到了WPP集团的投资,那些想要深入了解青年文化的人,能够通过88rising获得知识和深入见解。

The combination of media agency slash record label works to the team’s advantage.  For one project they may provide not only the insights and creative but also act as a rep agency with a roster of Asian rappers from Keith Ape to Rich Brian, in this way they are also able to guarantee the artists and the distribution strategy.

潮流频道加上唱片发行正是88rising的优势所在。团队不仅为每一个项目提供深入的洞察和创意,而且签约的歌手也都大名鼎鼎,比如Keith Ape和Rich Brian,也能保证歌手新歌发布的渠道顺畅。


MASIWEI Music Video done for Sprite 2018 CNY Campaign


Last year they worked with Ogilvy for Sprite’s Chinese New Years’ spot.  It has been lauded by both rap fans and industry peers for reinventing an authentic tone while remaining true to the brand.


Miyashiro shared in a previous interview for Pitchfork “I think this is our time now. Not just Asian people, but cross-cultural appreciation generally and recognizing what each ethnicity has to offer in terms of inspiration distinctive to its culture”.

Miyashiro 此前接受Pitchfork采访时表示,“我们的时代已经到来,不仅仅是亚洲人,而是总体的跨文化音乐,让人们看到每一个种族都有各自文化独特的灵感源泉”。


今年,88rising与Skechers中国合作,在洛杉矶拍摄的Rich Brian的歌曲MV,“watch out!” ,  仅仅两周内,在中国的社交媒体上就获得了超过2600万的观看率。This year, 88rising collaborated with Skechers China to shoot a Rich Brian music video in Los Angeles for the song “watch out!”. In just two weeks, that video garnered nearly 30 million views across all the major video platforms in China.


The growing team of eight in Shanghai works in a no-frills office tucked down a lane on Fuxing Middle Road. In some way this simple space exemplifies their authenticity.  They do not need to prove that they are cool or culturally relevant, their work, artists, and projects speaks for themselves.  “To stay on top of youth culture is simply to be interested in society, to understand what is taking place and what is going to happen next” Reggie shared. “It certainly helps to be young, and our team is keeping their eyes and ears to the ground but in the end we are the ones actually leading youth culture, we are creating the culture that these kids follow”.



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