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Watch 13 of Sundance’s VR Films at Home


Too far away or too busy to attend the Sundance Festival in Park City, Utah?  Well, never fear, because this year you can grab a cup of tea and relax at home while watching some of the VR parts of the festival with your Android smartphone.  All you need is a Samsung Gear VR or Google Cardboard (and your phone!) to bring 13 of Sundance’s VR films right into your home.

离犹他帕克城太远了?因为工作太忙没时间参加圣丹斯电影节?今年你可以安心的泡一壶热茶,舒舒服服的躺在家里观看圣丹斯电影节了。你只需要一支安卓手机,和一副三星的Gear VR设备或者谷歌Card Board就可以将圣丹斯电影节VR环节的13部电影带回家中观看了。


Download the Sundance VR app from the Google Play store and experience how virtual reality is starting a totally different experience for watching movies.

The app was created with the help of well-known VR software creator IM360. According to Sundance you will be able to watch these 13 films on the app until 12 February. The festival also promised to continue to showcasing the 13 films on the app sporadically throughout the year.

安卓用户只需通过谷歌商店下载Sundance VR,就能在家中体验今年圣丹斯电影节全新推出的VR电影环节,并抢先感受到VR电影所带来的众不同的体验。三星Gear VR的用户更可以通过三星自带的VR软件Milk VR享受更高级的VR效果。这款App由著名VR软件供应开发平台IM360提供技术支持而完成的。



Some of the film experiences available through the app include “Fabulous Wonder. Land,” a music video built by London’s National Theatre as an extension of the stage show of the same name, and the pilot episode of “Defrost,” the new Sci-Fi VR drama from director Randal Kleiser (of “Grease” and “The Blue Lagoon.”)

圣丹斯在这款app上发布的电影包括伦敦国家剧院的同名衍生剧《Fabulous Wonder. Land》以及兰德尔克泽尔(《青春珊瑚岛》和《油脂》导演)所执导的最新科幻试播剧《Defrost》。


While VR leaders like Oculus and Sony are primarily gearing their products towards gamers, Sundance is seeking to shift people’s focus towards the medium’s potential in other arts and media ventures.

Currently the Sundance app is only available on Google Play for Android users.  If iPhone users want to experience the technology, they can download the VR movie ‘Cardboard Crash’ on the App store.


遗憾的是,这款App目前只在安卓平台上推出。IOS用户如果也希望能感受VR电影的魅力的话,可以前往以下链接,下载本次电影节的一部单独VR电影《Cardboard Crash》:


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