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The Power of Celebrity
鲜肉效应—— 蘑菇街最新广告魅力何在?



A storeowner helping young women pick out the best outfit doesn’t sound like riveting viewing but in China just such a series has recently attracted 200 million views online in less than 2 months.


In the world of advertising picking the right celebrity can strengthen your brand beyond compare. ‘Tales of a Fashion Buyer,’ starring Chinese all-round A-list celebrity singer and actor Li Yifeng demonstrates the power of celebrity with its phenomenal success.


我们在这里列另一组数据:冰岛的人口约是32万,这意味着每一个冰岛人要将这个广告系列看上600遍,才能达到2亿这个数字。而当中国市场还沉浸在《解忧买手店》给我们带来的震撼中时,整个西方世界恰是圣诞时节,各大商场与广告公司使出浑身解数:John Lewis搬出了Buster the Boxer;H&M祭出了Wes Anderson与Adrien Brody这对奥斯卡获奖组合。

200 million is a big number – to give a little context, the entire population of Iceland would have to watch each film 600 times to make up that amount of clicks. But while China is watching ‘Tales of a Fashion Buyer,’ the western world is immersed in the usual holiday campaigns like the annual blockbuster ad from John Lewis’ and H&M’s touching Christmas story by Oscar-winning director Wes Anderson starring Oscar-winning actor Adrien Brody.

John Lewis圣诞广告《Buster the Boxer》| John Lewis Christmas Ad Buster the Boxer

刨去明星的出场费,这两部西方作品的预算不比《解忧买手店》低,而就明星效应上来说,Wes Anderson与Adrien Brody这对奥斯卡组合人气也不弱——然而John Lewis的圣诞广告在Youtube上“仅”有2500万的浏览量,H&M的广告大约是900万。这些数据与我们的小鲜肉李易峰相比几乎微不足道。

It seems safe to say that the post-production these two Western hits far surpass the money needed to pull off ‘Tales of a Fashion Buyer,’ and you might assume that the star power and overall production value of the Western films should bring the same kind of clicks as with ‘The Tale of a Fashion Buyer,’ but the John Lewis ad got only 25 million views on Youtube and H&M accumulated a total of 9 million views. Nothing, compared to our Chinese superstar…!

H&M圣诞广告《Come Together》| H&M Christmas Ad Come Together



So, what is so great about this film that makes millions watch it?  Surely the content alone does not deserve 200 million views, but, Li Yifeng has over 348 million followers on Weibo and his latest TV series ‘The Sparrow’ accumulated nearly 9 billion views on the Chinese internet, making Li the hottest actor in China. Search the Internet for ‘Tales of a Fashion Buyer’ and it is obvious that fans’ affection for Li is the driving force behind its popularity. They are completely unconcerned with Li’s lack of acting skills or the inane story itself, as long as their beloved celebrity is the protagonist. Weibo topic #TheTaleofaFashionBuyer is crowded with fans expressing their deep love to Li and comments are  commonly followed by emojis such as [hug] or [love].

Do not underestimate the power of a celebrity!!

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