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Thai TV Ads: The Extremes and Exaggeration of it all


Watching Thai commercials can make us laugh until our stomachs hurt or run to grab a box of tissues and re-evaluate our lives. Either way, Thai advertising is very well known to move you in one way or another. Thailand is a country full of culture and tradition and the advertising thrives on finding that perfect balance between modern creativity and imagination while sticking to traditional Thai values. Advertising in Asia, and specifically in Thailand, is very different to what most westerns are accustomed to; the ads are engaging, forward thinking, and exaggerated which makes Thai advertising very distinctive.

神奇的泰国广告可以让我们捧腹大笑或者抽纸巾拭泪,甚至让我们引发我们思考人生意义这种严肃话题。不管怎样,泰国广告声名远播,总有打动你的一种方式。 究其原因,是因为泰国本身是一个充满文化色彩、极具传统特色的国家,现代广告的成功就是来自于寻求现代的创造力和想象力的同时,可以在传统美德之间取得平衡。在亚洲的广告业,尤其是泰国,相比西方国家已习以为常的模式和思路,社会人文特点更浓,泰国广告的互动、前卫和夸张是泰国广告别树一格。”


The Laughs

Chief Creative Director at Ogilvy & Mather Thailand, Korn (Cohen) Tepintarapiraksa , was the brain behind many well-known commercials, including the heart-warming ‘Unsung Hero’ for Thai Life Insurance. Korn shared an interesting cultural explanation about Thailand’s expressive ads; “Many years ago, we (Thai people) saw that our country was under-developed. We had come to cope with difficulties in life with laughter. If we fall on the street, we won’t complain about the bumpy road or the government who built it. We will just get up, laugh it off and move on. Humor is what keeps us going.” Thai advertisements make things less serious within the community and help people deal with real life challenges.


泰国奥美的首席创意总监,Korn (Cohen) Tepintarapiraksa , 是在很多个知名泰国广告的幕后创意总监,包括最著名泪弹广告——泰国人寿保险的“无名英雄(Unsung Hero)”。对于泰国广告感情充沛的脚本,Korn以文化角度解释说:“很多年前,我们(泰国人)意识到泰国是发展中国家。我们用笑声来应对生活的各种困难。如果我们在路上跌倒,我们不会抱怨颠簸的路面或是政府的错,路铺得这么糟糕。我们会立即爬起来,一笑了之和继续向前走。幽默使我们走得更远。”泰国的广告把问题简单化并帮助人们面对现实生活中的挑战。

Title: Memory (2011)
Client: Sony
Category: Electronic Appliances

Title: A Gecko Love Story (2007)
Category: Construction Industry
Client: The Thai Olympic Fibre Cement
Agency: Publicis Thailand
Director:  Suthon Petchsuwan
VFX House: Digital Magic Group
Awards: Silver Lion


Title: Cheers Beer (2006)
Category: Food & Beverage
Client: Cheers Beer


The Tears

Thailand is full of culture and tradition as Thai values are deeply rooted in the national religion of Buddhism. Compassion is the main emotion here. It is not surprising to see ads revolving around touching storytelling that focuses on ‘taking care of the elderly,’ ‘sacrificing for the society/other people’ and ‘giving is the best receiving.’ Moral compassion is how Thai advertising wins over everyone’s heart.


泰国一个充满文化和传统气息的国度,泰国人的价值观深植于国教佛教的教义里。“慈悲”是大部分泰国广告的情感主线,你不难发现广告中经常以感人的故事表达“ 关怀长者”,“牺牲小我完成大我”、“施比受更有福”等等的观点。无疑,“向善” “慈悲”的道德观强而有力地渗透至泰国广告,并成功地俘虏了全世界人的心。

Title: The Power of Love (2014)
Category: Telecommunications
Client: DTAC
Agency: Y&R Thailand
Production: Sunshine Etcetera


Title: Closer (2014)
Category: Software and communications
Client: Line
Agency: McCann Erickson/Thailand
Production Co: Sunshine Etcetera
Awards: Cannes 2014 bronze


Title: Unsung Hero (2014)
Category: Finance & insurance
Client: Thai Life Insurance
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok
Production: Phenomena
Creative Director: Korn Tepintarapiraksa





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