Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry. Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to
Petter | 导演 Director
Something about Petter
Petter Eldin was born in Sweden. In his early 20s he moved to Los Angeles to work for Columbia Pictures. He relocated to Shanghai in 2008 where he shot a feature film “Made in China” that won multiple awards. Since 2008 he has directed films and advertisement for an array of clients including Adidas, Avon, Budweiser, Converse, IKEA, Nike, Red Star Maccaline & Tencent. He is currently a director at Studio Stare, which he co-founded in 2008.
Petter Eldin生于瑞典,20岁出头时搬到了洛杉矶,就职于哥伦比亚电影公司。2008年,他来到上海,后拍摄了电影《Made in China》,该片斩获了多个奖项。2008年以来,他执导了多部电影以及广告片,客户包括阿迪达斯、雅芳、百威、匡威、宜家、耐克、红星美凯龙和腾讯等。
Fun 5
1. Go to KTV song Wake me up before you go-go.唱K必点歌曲
《Wake me up before you go-go》
2. Favorite sound? 最喜欢的声音?
My kids snoring
3. Favorite children’s story? 最喜欢的儿童故事?
Pippi Longstocking
4. Favorite Chinese saying?最喜欢的一句中国谚语?
Deep doubts, deep wisdom; small doubts, little wisdom
5. Someone you would like to have dinner with?想跟谁共进晚餐?
Sammy Sosa
6. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?收到的最好的礼物是什么?
An accordion from my wife
We are inviting each of our creative profiles to tag another interesting person for this series. Petter has tagged Terence Lloren, he is a professional sound recordist. Stay tuned to learn some fun insights on Terence soon!
我们邀请创意人士来一场接力赛,每个人都要推荐另一位有意思的创意人士。Petter 推荐的是职业录音师 Terence Lloren。更多精彩,尽在下期内容!