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Meet Creative People | 遇见创意人士Comic Artist Dick Ng 漫画家吴子元


Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry.  Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to


Dick Ng 吴子元
comic artist and illustrator 漫画家、插画师

Ziyuan Wu, also known as Dick Ng, is a comic artist and illustrator from Shenzhen, China. He started to create comics and posted his works on personal microblog in 2010. Most of his comics are short stories, main features of his works are absurd, funny, and nonsensical. He is adept at using some elements of daily life as inspirations to express his sense of humor. His works were exhibited in various exhibitions both in China and overseas. He had also published his comic books ‘All Phenomena’ and ‘The Drollness Vol.1’ in Mainland and Hong Kong, China.

Dick Ng ,中文名吴子元,来自深圳的漫画家、插画师。于2010年开始绘画原创漫画并发表于个人微博。其漫画作品多为短篇,风格荒诞、搞笑、无厘头。他将日常生活的元素融入到漫画中,并以古怪脱力冷笑话形式表现出来。漫画作品曾于国内外的展览中展出,已在中国香港及内地出版个人漫画作品集《包罗万象》、《奇趣集·第1卷》

All Phenomena 《包罗万象》


The Drollness Vol.1 《奇趣集·第1卷》


1.Where were you born? 你在哪里出生?



2.Coolest place you’ve been sent for work ? 工作中去过的最有意思的地方是哪里?

Erlangen, not purely for work, I went there more to study and interact. As a cartoonist from Shenzhen, in 2019 I was invited to attend a comics seminar during Erlangen International Comic Salon in Erlangen, Germany. During the seminar, I met cartoonists from all over Germany, exchanged creative skills and ideas, and talked about each other’s lives. In this very relaxed and free state, I also created a manga Zine with the theme of “Complexes”.


3.The best way to destress? 对你来说,最好的减压方式是什么?

Draw my comics. It’s basically my first instinct, my go-to thing, and I usually create my favorite works without external pressure. I think it is also a way to relieve pressure.


4. Best TV series out right now? 现在最好的电视剧是哪一部?

Japanese series “If Talking Paid” (Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai)

日剧《我的事说来话长》(Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai)。

5. Creative person who inspires you? 一位给你灵感的创意人是谁?

Japanese cartoonist Sensha Yoshida. I love his manga book Utsurun Desu (Contagion), and every time I look at it, it inspires new ideas.

日本漫画家吉田战车(Sensha Yoshida)。我很喜欢他的漫画作品《传染》(Utsurun Desu),我每次看这部作品都会激发出很多新想法。

You can contact Dick Ng by Weibo or find him in Red:
Dick Ng联系方式:


We invite each of the creatives we profile to tag another interesting person for the series. Dick Ng suggested illustrator Inkee Wang.

我们邀请创意人士来一场接力赛,每个人都要推荐另一位有意思的创意人士。Dick Ng 推荐的下一个人是:插画师Inkee Wang

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