Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry. Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to
Sebastien Guy
Sebastien Guy is an international film and commercial director who has just relocated to Shanghai. Although by birth he is French & Australian, he grew up as an expat so you would never guess he’s either. He started off as a commercial actor in Los Angeles and moved behind the camera, when one day on set he realized he was better at giving performance direction to the other actors.
刚刚搬到上海生活的塞巴斯蒂安·盖伊(Sebastien Guy)是一位国际电影和商业影片导演。一般人猜不出他是法国和澳大利亚人,因为他从小在国外长大。起初,他在洛杉矶是一名广告演员,随后他发现自己更擅长指导其他演员的表演,于是便从台前转入幕后工作。
1. Favorite movie of all time? 哪一部电影是一生挚爱?
As a filmmaker its almost impossible to have an all time favorite movie, you get inspired by so many for different reasons, but I would say David Fincher’s ‘Se7en’ probably changed my life as it planted the seed of me becoming a director.
因为导演的身份,所以我很难说哪一部电影会是我一直喜爱的电影,因为总会被不同电影的各种原因所启发而喜爱。但是大卫·芬奇(David Fincher)导演的《Se7en》这部电影为我日后成为一名导演埋下了希望的种子。
2. Coolest place you’ve been sent to work? 工作过最酷的地方是哪里?
I was just in Slovenia shooting a car commercial and its so beautiful. Not sure its the coolest place I’ve been sent to but I just loved it. Its borders Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia and really is a great combination of all those places.
3. Best TV series out right now? 最喜爱的电视剧是哪一部?
The Americans. They just finished season 6, so its not so new but I find that most people haven’t seen it or have even heard of it even though it gets nominated for Emmy awards every year.
《美国谍梦》(The Americans)。虽然已经排到第6季了,但是我发现很多人没有看过甚至都没有听说过,但其实它每年都被艾美奖(Emmy Awards)提名。
4. Winter or summer? 更喜欢冬天还是夏天?
Definitely winter! I grew up as an expat in warm climates (French Polynesia, Middle East, Malaysia, Singapore, Los Angles and Sydney), so I can’t bear the hot weather anymore. I always long to be somewhere cold. I’m so happy I’m in Shanghai now that “winter is coming”!
5. Someone you would like to have dinner with? 想要一同共进晚餐的人是谁?
My 5 yr old son. I don’t see him as much as I’d like, so I’d love to have dinner with him whenever I can. He makes me laugh and makes me so proud.