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Meet Creative People | 遇见创意人士 Georg Warga


Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry.  Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to


Georg Warga

Creative director

Georg Warga was born in Graz, Austria. He is a world builder of brands, creative director and founder of Goodstein, an award winning creative agency in Shanghai.

If he doesn’t work for brands he creates his own IP, writing pilots for streaming platforms or directs films and commercials. You can find his work on

Georg Warga出生于格拉茨,奥迪利。他是国际品牌的缔造者、创意总监,在上海设立了屡获殊荣的创意公司Goodstein


1. How you discovered you were creative? 你是如何发现自己有创造力的?

I was too little to remember the episode so you have to take my mum’s word for it. I was about 3 and we had a neighbor over to show a series of Russian icons my mum had previously written.


(They say you write an icon, not paint as it is considered prayer. Each brushstroke a verse dictated by god, the creator.) (在英文我们说“写”一幅斯圣像画,而不是“画画”,因为这个过程被认为是一种祈祷,每一笔都是上帝陪你画。)

But the neighbor was somewhat unimpressed by it. ‘Maybe god had a really bad day to something?’, she said. My mum was seriously hurt by the pedestrian criticism of the old bat. So I decided to crawl under the table, find her big toe and I wholeheartedly bit into it, like some kind of feral animal. Her scream was so loud, my mum still laughs about it.

但我妈妈的作品好像并没有打动令居的心,此外她也说了:“也许上帝今天过得不好?” 我看到这种对她的作品评价不高让我妈妈伤心了,所以我决定爬到桌子下面,找到邻居的大脚趾,然后就像某种野生动物一样,我全心全意地咬到她的大脚趾。直到现在,每次我妈想起来这个故事,她仍然笑令居的大声尖叫。

Today, I don’t bite clients but I do stick my neck out for creatives when criticism is unjust. I guess I always had a strong sense of integrity when it comes to creativity.


2.Your favorite creative project you’ve ever worked on, and why you like it so much? 你曾经参与过的创意项目其中,那个是你最喜欢的项目;为什么你这么喜欢它?

That’s the ‘People’s Car Project’ For Volkswagen.

大众汽车的‘People’s Car Project

Let me draw you a pyramid. On top there is a brand, on the bottom there are the people. People have no say in the brand, that’s why they are on the bottom of the pyramid. But without the people there were no pyramids in the first place. The story is as old as Egypt.


Now let’s draw the pyramid again. This time upside down. What if the people were on top and brands at the bottom. What if there were a democratic way to create the things that people truly want and need. Not in a consumer research kind of way, I mean truly involve people to create something new? Could that be even entertainment?

现在我们再画一个金字塔。这次是颠倒过来的。如果用户在顶层,品牌在底层会怎样? 是否有一种民主的方式来创造人们真正想要和需要的东西呢? 不是以消费者研究的方式,我的意思是真正让人们去创造新东西?

Now what kind of brands could do that. Apple? Never. Steve Jobs was a fascist when it came to his own ideas ‘because people don’t know what they want until we’ve shown them.’, he said in his famous company retreat in 1982. He was not alone. Henry Ford once said, ‘If I’d asked people what they wanted, they would have told me, “A faster horse!”


How about Volkswagen? The brand that has people in the brand truly could create a car by the people for the people. The Idea of the People’s Car Project is born.

大众汽车呢? People’s Car Project灵感来自于大众品牌名字本身,有这样名字的品牌实在可以创造出一辆“为民的车”。

3. Your main strength as a creative person? 作为一个创意人,你的主要优势是什么?

Someone threw out this frame next to a pile of garbage. It framed this white line and a leaf. Both of which I wouldn’t have paid attention to without it. It’s accidental maybe but it made me think how much I need a frame to be creative. Not a physical one but the one I choose to limit my creative choices. Maybe that’s what it is for it is for me – practicing constraint – or throw out more frames into the world.


4. Coolest place you’ve been sent for work ? 工作中去过的最有意思的地方是哪里?

The Paranal Observatory in the Atacama desert in Chile. One of the driest places on the planet. That’s necessary because the telescopes need an unobstructed view to look into the universe.

We’ve spend a day in the VLT for a research of a possible documentary project. VLT is short for ‘Very Large Telescope’  – I love how astronomers call their big guns.


我们在VLT花了一天时间研究一个潜在的纪录片项目。VLT是‘Very Large Telescope’ (“非常大的望远镜”)的缩写——我喜欢天文学家如何称呼他们的重要设备。

5. Favorite movie of all time? 有史以来你最喜欢的电影是哪一部?

Annie Hall from Woody Allen.


goodstein mascot

We invite each of the creatives we profile to tag another interesting person for the series. Georg Warga suggested photographer Zachary Bako.

我们邀请创意人士来一场接力赛,每个人都要推荐另一位有意思的创意人士。Georg Warga推荐的下一个人是:摄影师Zachary Bako。


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