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Meet Creative People | 遇见创意人士 Aslan Malik


Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry.  Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to


Aslan Malik

multi-disciplinary visual artist


Aslan Malik is a multi-disciplinary visual artist and the co-founder of “The Hype”Pixomondo’s motion-design boutique in Shanghai. As a trained multimedia artist, his videos, illustrations and photographs were exhibited at the International Centre of Photographyin New York, the Fundación Barrié in Spain, Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich, The Long Museum in Shanghai, and galleries in Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris.

Aslan Malik是Pixomondo上海先锋工作室——“The Hype”的视觉艺术家和执行创意总监。他创作的视频、插画、摄影作品都曾在美国纽约的国际摄影中心,西班牙维戈的Fundación Barrié ,瑞士苏黎世的设计博物馆,上海龙美术馆以及德国当代艺术画廊和荷兰阿姆斯特丹画廊展出。

In his eclectic artworks, Aslan largely focused on anxiety-ridden humans in mega cities. His pieces are not only testament to his attention deficit issues, but also ping pong from content to content as a reflection of his own mind. They are sometimes quiet, but mostly loud.


David Goyer, the co-writer of the Batman Trilogy and Man of Steel sums him up by stating: “His work has attitude”, while Wong Kar-Wai observed: “I see the poetry in his pictures”.
He received awards from the Art Director’s Club Germany and Europe, The Red Dot AwardThe Cannes Lion and the New York Festival among dozen of other international prizes for his work with brands such as Alexander Wang, Nike, Cartier and HBO.

《蝙蝠侠》三部曲和《钢铁侠》的联合作者大卫·高耶(David Goyer)这样描述Aslan:“他的作品有态度”,而王家卫则说:“我在他的画中看到了诗意”。
他为王大仁、耐克、卡地亚、HBO等品牌提供艺术创意和创作,并获得了 The Director’s Club Germany and Europe(德国和欧洲导演俱乐部)、红点奖戛纳金狮奖纽约电影节等数十个国际奖项。

1 .What you wanted to be when you grew up?  你小的时候觉得自己长大后能干什么?

My oldest brother sat me down when I was around 11 or 12 and told me that I will never be famous or rich. And now that I’m aware of that fact, I should make the best with what I’ve got.
I told him that I’m okay with that, because I’m planning on becoming a painter.


As I grew older, the Web 1.0 thing happened and people studying design were pulled out from the second semester and been paid high salaries. But during my studies, the web bubble burst and one of my professor’s told us we can be happy if we’d find an internship after graduation. I didn’t cared much since I was accustomed to the idea of not having much. It actually gave me freedom in my work since I thought there is noone to please anyhow, I’m better off doing whatever I thought is good.

随着我长大,Web 1.0的事情发生了,很多学习设计的人,虽然学了不怎么久可能一两个学期,但是已经可以找到高薪的兼职工作。但在我学习期间,网络泡沫破灭了,发生了巨大转变。我的一位教授告诉我们,如果毕业后能找到一份实习工作,我们就会很幸运。我不怎么在意,因为其实我早就接受了我不会很有钱的情况。这在工作上给了我一定的自由,因为我认为无论如何都不需要取悦任何人,我最好做我认为好的事情。

I graduated cum laude that year and throughout the years I never gave up on becoming a painter, though. I’m actually looking for a tiny space to paint right now. So if you have something on the cheap, please reach out.



2. What would the title of your autobiography be?  如果写一本自传的话,书名会叫什么? 

It’d be probably the size of a pamphlet but here is my top 10 :


-Hardly functional 《几乎不起作用的人物》
– Near life experience 《近似生活经验》
– It wasn’t for a lack of trying 《不是因为我缺少努力》

– The burnt crust of a wasted life 《虚度人生的烧掉的外壳》
– I’m remembering it differently 《我记起来跟别人不一样》
– They pulled, I moved along 《别人拉着我走》
– Without the full range of ethical behavior 《论不完全的道德行为》

– Was it something I said? 《我说了什么不该说的吗?》

– Socially stunted&emotionally thwarted 《社交发育不良,情感受挫的人》

– How to be miserable 《不幸的人养成记》

And if the last title would be a success, I could think of a follow-up book named: How to be ‘really’ miserable. 如果最后书名能大获成功,我已经想到了一本后续的书名:《真正不幸的人养成记》

3.Someone you would like to have dinner with?  想跟谁一起共进晚餐? 

Donald Trump. There is a lot I need to get off my chest. If he can’t make it, Henry Miller. He can do the talking.


4. One thing that always makes you happy and one thing that always makes you sad? 一件总让你感到快乐和另一件总让你很难过的事是什么? 

Berlin 柏林

5. Longest you have been away from home?  最⻓离家多久? 

I left 11 years ago but I usually make sure to be back twice a year since my family and the people I grew up with are there. Due to you know what, it wasn’t really possible so I just missed my father’s second birthday in a row. I’m planning to go back in December. By then it’ll be 2 years. I liked having an excuse for not coming since I don’t enjoy flying. But it’s time.


We invite each of the creatives we profile to tag another interesting person for the series. Aslan suggested Creative Director Georg Warga.

我们邀请创意人士来一场接力赛,每个人都要推荐另一位有意思的创意人士。Aslan推荐的下一个人是:创意总监 Georg Warga

You can see more of Aslan’s work here: or if you’re outside of china.

如果想要了解Aslan更多的作品,请点击 or


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