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Meet Creative People | 遇见创意人士 Artist 艺术家 Pierre Alivon


Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry.  Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to


 Pierre Alivon 苏善书

photographer, sculptor, art curator


Pierre Alivon 苏善书 is French photographer, sculptor and art curator in Beijing. Pierre makes a new adventure of each exhibition that transports you into asserted universes, while establishing a bridge between his / our French sensibility and contemporary Chinese culture. For more than 6 years, his curious eye and his taste for novelty have led him search for young Chinese artists who are now exposed by others in the profession.

For his selections, he will first privilege the strength, the character, the affirmation of a point of view in the work and the encounter with the artist: he always visits the studios at the source of the artistic energy because what animates him above all is the raw reality.His energy, his resourcefulness and his relational ease make him a privileged interlocutor of the artists who see him as a professional, an accompanist and a friend.

The staging of works in the exhibition space is then a game of balance and shock to create a pleasant emotion or not. Who knows, as long as there is a plot!


Pierre Alivon苏善书 力求每次的展览都是一场全新的冒险,渴望与每一位观众共同前行、去探索万象的奥妙;与此同时建立起法国与当代中国文化的桥梁。在中国生活的6年多时间里,对新事物的无限好奇心与独特的审美态度,促使着他不断寻找那些被业界所肯定的年轻中国艺术家。他常将艺术家的特长、个性、作品主张以及与艺术家的相处感受作为选择的重要考虑因素。他非常喜欢去拜访艺术工作室,因为能让他永葆活力的源泉便是那些原始、真实的艺术创作环境与氛围。正是他的无限能量、智慧魅力、相处之道;让他成为艺术家与观众之间的一座桥梁,并得到业界的充分肯定与褒奖。

1. Where were you born? 你在哪里出生?

Paris – France


2. Someone you would like to have dinner with? 想跟谁一起共进晚餐?

I would like to have dinner with Victor Hugo… a visionary man who fought against all forms of discrimination.


Bronze sculpture “Nuwa”, the power of woman, legal of man

3. The best way to destress? 对你来说,最好的减压方式是什么?

Most of the time stress is generated by people around us and their actions. The best way to release stress is forgiving someone. Forgiveness is “the most beautiful flower of life”.


Visual creation; to show the harmony of life between nature and humans

4. Favorite Chinese saying? 最喜欢的一句中国谚语是?

If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness all your life, help someone else. Confucius


5.Your favorite creative project you’ve ever worked on, and why you like it so much?你曾经参与过的创意项目其中,那个是你最喜欢的项目;为什么你这么喜欢它?

I have just finished my new bronze sculpture “Heart of the Dragon”. This sculpture embodies ecological harmony with the wisdom of Confucius’s words. I really like this work because it allowed me to better understand the balance of life by words of Confucius that is to say; harmony between living things and nature. The symbol of the Dragon in this sculpture represents the hearts of the Chinese people who all unite together to face the difficulties of life.


We invite each of the creatives we profile to tag another interesting person for the series. Pierre Alivon suggested artist Luo Wei.

我们邀请创意人士来一场接力赛,每个人都要推荐另一位有意思的创意人士。Pierre Alivon推荐的下一个人是:艺术家 Luo Wei

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