Craft and creativity continues to grow in China, none of which would be possible without the inspired and daring minds behind the ideas and production. We are asking the creative community in China five fun questions to learn a little bit more about the people behind this burgeoning industry. Hope you enjoy! If you think you should be profiled or you know someone creative who should be profiled send an email to
Alice Melloni
Artist 艺术家 AilLiMeiLe

2. Favorite food to eat 最喜欢的食物?
Stuffed tomatoes with rice, a typical vegan Roman recipe. The flavor reminds me of my childhood.
3. Favorite sound 最喜欢什么声音?
I usually listen to The Beatles or Chet Baker or I play guitar and sing the songs of the Italian songwriter Fabrizio De Andrè. I love listen to my son Michael playing piano.
4. The best way to destress 对你来说,最好的减压方式是什么?
Painting with gouache or drawing animation.
5. Favorite movie of all time: 有史以来你最喜欢的电影是哪一部?
The Tim Burton’s stop motion movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas”
The Golden Italian Hands in China|意大利 “金手党” 在中国