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Get Creative With Cocks in 2017



This is an appeal for creatives to spare a thought for the neglected rooster in 2017.


Advertising is about selling dreams, so it’s no surprise that cocks (male) or indeed hens (female) don’t feature heavily in campaigns.  Incarcerated for their entire, pitifully short lives, there’s not much to envy about poultry.


And yes, there have been regrettable commercial “cock-ups” along the way.

在禽类市场上,“散养”是一个颇具争议的推销说辞。就这一点来说,在The Martin Agency为Geico打造的汽车保险广告,他们试图为“散养鸡”竖立正面形象的作法也收效甚微。

It’s well known by now that ‘free range’ is misleading marketing terminology, which rather undermines The Martin Agency’s effort to glamorise it for car insurance company Geico.

 Geico 散养鸡 | Geico Free Range Song


These aggressive creatures undoubtedly have an image problem.


The long-running (and still legal in China) “sport” cockfighting hasn’t helped.  Turpan, Xinjiang even recently launched a cockfighting association to create a hallmark for the city.

竖立充气雕像更不会有助于改善人们对于鸡的看法——太原和嘉兴两地相继树立起了两座形似特朗普的充气鸡塑像。除了外观上的相似外,公鸡与这位新近上任的美国总统在对于女性与婚姻的看法上也有着许多相似之处——比如一只公鸡往往妻妾成群。而著名音乐家Ray Charles也就公鸡的这一特点发表过如下言论:“如果一只公鸡能够同时拥有15只母鸡,为什么我不行呢?”

The image has not been helped by giant rooster statues and inflatables, created by a mall in Taiyuan and a factory in Jiaxing respectively, that bear a striking resemblance to the very un-hip Donald Trump.  And like the US President, roosters are notoriously horny polygamists, with one bird often commanding a harem of hens.  Ray Charles used to joke about “a rooster’s life”, saying that if the male chicken could take care of 15 females, why shouldn’t he?

17e1448ac53e620b70952f6e1b2c73fc太原川普充气鸡 | Inflatable Donald Trump Chicken in Taiyuan


Yes, adultery and lecherousness are not admirable qualities, but let’s come at this from a different angle.  Virility is highly desirable.  That’s why the rooster has been used as the symbol of both Roman god Priapus, protector of livestock and boaster of permanent erection, and the nation of France, home of horny Frenchmen.  Why then couldn’t a cockerel become the next face of Lynx, or the most memorable viagra icon since Pele?

hqdefault伟哥广告中的贝利 | Pele in Viagra Spot


You may also criticize the chicken’s meager flying skills.  But that too offers potential, as McCann Melbourne showed in its spot for Tigerair’s infrequent flyers deals.

 欣丰虎航广告 | Tigerair Commercial

广告中所出现的最著名的鸡莫过于家乐氏玉米片了了。这只鸡可以算作历史上辨识度最高的品牌形象之一。据信,john Kellogg——家乐氏玉米片创始人——的朋友告诉他,Kellogg这个名字与威尔士语中“小公鸡”(Ceiliog)这个词相近。于是从1957年开始,李奥贝纳创造了Cornelius(又名Corny)这个绿毛公鸡形象。“起床吃家乐氏玉米片啦”这一句广告语也随之变得家喻户晓。随着广告的不断变化,Corny开始不再说话,而是伴随着一句配音“家乐氏玉米片让你早上倍儿精神!”

Most impressively of all, in his role for Kellogg’s Cornflakes, a rooster has become one of the most recognisable and successful brand icons of all time.  As the legend goes, a friend told cornflake inventor John Kellogg that his name was similar to the Welsh word for cockerel, “ceiliog”.  From there, in 1957, agency Leo Burnett created the character Cornelius, aka “Corny”, a perky green rooster with the catch phrase, “Wake up, up, up to Kellogg’s Cornflakes!”  Over the years, Corny stopped talking, and simply crowed while a voiceover explained, “Nothing gets you crowing in the morning like Kellogg’s Corn Flakes”.

 家乐氏玉米片《图书管理员》| Kellogg’s Cornflakes Librarian


(Incidentally, did you know that every country has its own onomatopoeic interpretation for the cockerel’s crow?  Gloriously diverse renderings from the fanciful English “cock-a-doodle-doo” to the German “kikeriki”, Italian “chicchirichi”, Japanese “ko-ke-kok-ko-o” all the way to China’s “wo-wo-wo”, make the cock’s crow a United Colors of Benetton campaign waiting to happen.)


Leo Burnett recognised from the outset that Kellogg’s Corny would probably not have won hearts had he been a real cockerel, wobbling vermilion flaps and all.  But credit to our fowl friends, they wear their iconic red handlebar ‘tache and Mohawk with unashamed aplomb, an insight that was disappointingly overlooked by Ogilvy & Mather in its “My hair, it has to be my way” campaign for Dove.

 富士XS-1相机《保持稳定》| Fujifilm XS-1 Keep a steady head

2013年,广告人们又为鸡塑造了全新形象。由于禽类独特的视觉系统导致他们必须用头部来保持视野的稳定性——这一发现至少启发了4则广告。奥美德国于2011年2月首先将这一概念运用到富士XS-1相机上。10月德国广告公司Superheros与韩国Krema联手在LG G2广告中将一个高清摄像头装在了一只鸡的脑袋上。Jung Von Matt随后近乎是抄袭般的将奥美德国与富士的概念搬到了奔驰的广告中,并配以了Diano Ross的音乐。不过有趣的是,奔驰的老对手捷豹随后推出了一支争锋相对的广告——片中一只美洲豹将一只代表奔驰的鸡大快朵颐,并配上广告词:“我们更喜欢豹奔的速度。”

Advertisers did however flock to another unique cock-characteristic in 2013.  Chickens cannot move their eyes, meaning they must keep still heads to maintain focus, an insight that led to no less than four campaigns that year.  Ogilvy & Mather Germany got the ball rolling in February, using the concept to represent the stability of a Fujifilm XS-1 camera.  A second camera commercial followed in October, with Dutch agency Superheroes and Korean’s Krema delivering a satirical piece for LG’s G2 in which an Aussie cameraman straps the ’Gallus Cam’ to a chicken’s tiny bonce.  Jung Von Matt was next for Mercedes, shamelessly repurposing the Fujifilm concept for the popular Diano Ross soundtracked spots.  A tongue-in-cheek response from rival car brand Jaguar followed in December, with an actual jaguar savaging a chicken and the message, “We prefer cat-like reflexes.”

 LG G2《鸡头稳定器》| LG G2 Steady Feather

奔驰大战捷豹 | Mercedes vs. jaguar

So, dear creative, don’t write off the humble cock for your campaign in 2017.  It just takes imagination and a little craziness.

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