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In this Issue:

Cédric M Introduces Vertical Platform for Events & Entertainment

Events and video executive Cédric M presents a video-centric platform to promote and connect all players in the industry. In beta mode now, the platform will be fully functional before the year ends. 近日,擅长活动与影视制作的Cédric M推出了一个以视频为中心的平台,希望借此为行业发声,连接行业中的所有参与者。目前该平台还在测试中,预计将在年底前正式上线。

Blockbuster BMW ads | 叫好又叫座的宝马广告片

BMW launched branded films in collaboration with Universal Beijing Resort two weeks ago, instantly attracting millions of views. We talked to director Roni Shao and cinematographer Paul Morris to know what it took to bring the Jurassic World and Transformers, blockbuster projects to life. 两周前,宝马与北京环球影城合作了品牌宣传片,影片一经发布就吸引了数百万的观看。我们采访了导演邵黎俊与摄影师Paul Morris,了解了他们是如何将《侏罗纪公园》和《变形金刚》这两部票房大片完美呈现给大家的。

Top Stunt Team in China

Veteran stunt artist, coordinator, and director Julian Chica Rose, founder of the Stunt Masters Team tells us about his biz. 资深替身艺术家、Stunt Masters团队创始人Julian Chica Rose继续讲述神秘的替身行业。