Digit Digit / 双位数(北京)数码有限科技有限公司

Primary Address:
Block A1, Anjialou No.50, Chaoyang District

Primary Email:

Primary Phone:
+86 10 8479 3268

Founded in 1995, our professional team members increased by hundred over the past decades. These post production elites serve our global client by heart, to sculpt creative work and seize every opportunity to take the post production to another level throughout the process.

Businesses in Digit Digit is professional yet diversified, including post production for TV commercials, movies, 3D animation, multi-media AV effects, etc. Talking about the market share of TV commercial production, our coverage is over 60% in Hong Kong. As for multi-media AV effects, our market share also increases from time to time.

With the open policy of China, the multi-media advertising opportunities become the hot cake of renowned international brands. The demand on commercial production is getting intense. Digit Digit Ltd has become the essential partners in advertising, thus jazz up our business development in China.


Digit Digit Ltd 成立于1995年,经过十多年的光影岁月,我们的精英团队增长至超过百名的专才及技术人员。这群电视广告后期制作界精英,诚意为全球性客户打做出顶尖作品;矢志为后期制作科技及技术确立新标准。

Digit Digit Ltd业务既专业又多元化,包括电视广告后期制作、电影后期制作、三维动画、多媒体视觉效果等等。论及电视广告制作的市场占有率,单就香港一地而言,本集团在后期制作项目上覆盖六成之多;而场地设计揉合多媒体视觉效果方面,市场比重同样地与日俱增。

随着中国市场的开放,国际性知名品牌趋之若骛, 于国内大量投放多媒体广告。电视广告制作的需求迈向白热化,而Digit Digit Ltd也成为广告界于制作方面不可或缺的伙伴,从而令集团在中国的业务上有大量增长。

> Locations

  • Beijing / 北京

    Block A1, Anjialou No.50, Chaoyang District


  • Hong Kong / 香港

    1/F Catic Plaza, 8 Causeway Road,
    Causeway Bay


Beijing / 北京

Block A1, Anjialou No.50, Chaoyang District


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Hong Kong / 香港

1/F Catic Plaza, 8 Causeway Road,
Causeway Bay


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